freud 1920a一位女同性恋案例的心理成因The psychogenesis of a case of homosexuality I a woman (SE XVIII 147-72)Uber die psychogenese eines Falles von weiblicher (GW XII 271-30......
Freud 1911b 论心理机能的两条原则Additions to the Interpretation of Dreams(v,360-6)Formulations on the two principles of mental functioning (XII,215-26)我们早就观察到,每一种神经症都有一种后......
1942a戏剧中的变态人物Psychopathic Characters on the stage (GW Nathtr. 655-61)psychopathic characters on the satge(SE XII 305-10)按语本文是弗洛伊德以精神分析观点对戏剧活动所作的解释。主要内容: 西格蒙德...
1932e梦的学说的修订Die Traundeutung (GW Nachtr., 746-7)Preface to 3rd (revised)English edition of The interpretation of Dreams (SE IV XXXII)诸君,经过了15年以上的阔别之后,今天很高兴,再得和你......