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Are people with social anxiety preoccupied by social rank? -

Are people with social anxiety preoccupied by social rank? -

Are people with social anxiety preoccupied by social rank?People with a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder find social situationsnerve wracking, from mixing w......
2011-06-22 00:00:00
Scientists Turn Memories Off and On With Flip of Switch - 内蒙

Scientists Turn Memories Off and On With Flip of Switch - 内蒙

2011-06-18 00:00:00
The neuroscience of batman, or how the human brain performs

The neuroscience of batman, or how the human brain performs

Over the last few years it’s become apparent that humans, like bats, can makeeffective use of echolocation by emitting click sounds with the tongue andlistening......
2011-06-08 00:00:00
Beware the "super well" - 内蒙古心理网

Beware the "super well" - 内蒙古心理网

Beware the super well - why the controls in psychology research are often too healthyMany studies in clinical psychology and psychiatry are making the mistake o......
2011-06-07 00:00:00
客体连续性的加工机制 - 内蒙古心理网

客体连续性的加工机制 - 内蒙古心理网

心理科学进展2011,Vol.19,No.5,673–681AdvancesinPsychologicalScienceDOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2011.00673673客体连续性的加工机制瞿斌 陈旭 熊倩 杨剑霞(西南大学心理健康教育研究中心;西南大学教育科学研究...
2011-06-06 00:00:00
有关具身认知思潮的理论心理学思考 - 内蒙古心

有关具身认知思潮的理论心理学思考 - 内蒙古心

心理学报2011,Vol.43,No.5,589598ActaPsychologicaSinicaDOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2011.00589收稿日期:2010-11-16*羊城学者首席科学家资助项目(10A030S)。通讯作者:叶浩生,E-mail:yehaosheng@yahoo.cn有关具 h......
2011-06-06 00:00:00
How our visual system is guided by gossip radar - 内蒙古心理

How our visual system is guided by gossip radar - 内蒙古心理

How our visual system is guided by gossip radarThe kind of negative tittle-tattle that appears daily in the tabloids seems tobear little merit. But experts beli......
2011-06-04 00:00:00
Why positive fantasies make your dreams less likely to come

Why positive fantasies make your dreams less likely to come

Why positive fantasies make your dreams less likely to come true为什么积极想象不太可能让你的梦想成真。Its a trusted tool in the self-help armoury - visualising yourself havingachi......
2011-06-02 00:00:00
Does retail therapy work? 购物疗法有效么? - 内蒙古心

Does retail therapy work? 购物疗法有效么? - 内蒙古心

Does retail therapy work?It might not be possible to buy happiness, but you can buy relief from low mood.Thats according to an investigation of retail therapy b......
2011-06-02 00:00:00
Fan效应与情境模型的研究 - 内蒙古心理网

Fan效应与情境模型的研究 - 内蒙古心理网

Fan效应与情境模型的研究作者:韩迎春 作者单位:华南师范大学心理系 (广州 510631)【摘要】在最近几年的阅读心理的研究中,以 G.A.Radvansky 等人为代表的一些学者采用Fan 效应技术来...
2011-05-03 00:00:00