博士(Dr. Inge )
Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research
(The Society for Research in Child Development所出的專刊,1985)
Symboic Play: The originss of Social Understanding(1984)
Talking about internal states, in Developmental Psychology(1982)
Talking about Emotions, in Child Development(1986)
(1) The Society of Sigma Xi 的會員
(2) 西德Regenburg 大學的訪問學者(1981)
(3) John D. and Catherine T. MacArther Foundation Research Network for The Transitions from Infancy and Early Childhood 的會員(1982-1987)
(4) John D. and Catherine T.MacArther Foundation Research Network ChildhoodTransitions 的核心成員(1988-1992)
(5) 美國心理學會發展心理學組的成員
(6) 榮獲School fo Family Resources and Comsumer Sciences頒發的Faculty Excellence Award(1993)
(7) 榮獲威斯康辛大學(麥迪遜校區)頒發的Vilas Associate Award(1994-1996)
(8) 榮獲Aid Association for Lutherans Distinguished Scholar Award(1996)
(9) 榮獲Bascom Professionship(1998)