Science:科学家称找到阅读障碍的根源_ - 内蒙古心


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6pBI~%RKU y7H0全世界约10%的人存在程度不一的阅读障碍。欧洲科学家12月5日在美国《科学》杂志上报告称,他们找到了导致阅读障碍的根源,即大脑某些区域之间的连接出现了“故障”。

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RJ r)rp B8zC0研究人员接着分析了两组参与者大脑中语音处理相关的13个区域与语音表达的连接。结果发现,阅读障碍者脑中某些区域的连接明显出现了“故障”,这种连接的“故障”越大,实验对象在阅读、拼写及其他测试上的表现也越差。研究人员说,这证实对语音表达的获取缺陷才是阅读障碍的关键。内蒙古心理网!t$Rg!?0|fk}

's9nH W7{x3~ u0研究人员表示,这一发现将有助于大脑连接性干预措施的改进,从而帮助阅读障碍者更为流畅地享受阅读。

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vw [7P*i M7Ql0英文摘要内蒙古心理网,PJ'jiE-p I i#s*d

}/^s:u@;jx+U'T0Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1244333

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Intact But Less Accessible Phonetic Representations in Adults with Dyslexia内蒙古心理网D2Y9T/Q9sXX+Lfv

&l zI#`Z*L3MZ T0Bart Boets1,2,*, Hans P. Op de Beeck3, Maaike Vandermosten2, Sophie K. Scott4, Céline R. Gillebert5, Dante Mantini5,6, Jessica Bulthé3, Stefan Sunaert7, Jan Wouters8, Pol Ghesquière2

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y}ZCu0Dyslexia is a severe and persistent reading and spelling disorder caused by impairment in the ability to manipulate speech sounds. We combined functional magnetic resonance brain imaging with multivoxel pattern analysis and functional and structural connectivity analysis in an effort to disentangle whether dyslexics’ phonological deficits are caused by poor quality of the phonetic representations or by difficulties in accessing intact phonetic representations. We found that phonetic representations are hosted bilaterally in primary and secondary auditory cortices and that their neural quality (in terms of robustness and distinctness) is intact in adults with dyslexia. However, the functional and structural connectivity between the bilateral auditory cortices and the left inferior frontal gyrus (a region involved in higher-level phonological processing) is significantly hampered in dyslexics, suggesting deficient access to otherwise intact phonetic representations.

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