【摘要】 目的 探讨行为激活技术对抑郁症患者的临床疗效。方法 单相抑郁症患者42 例随机分为联合组( 行为激活技术结合药物治疗) 和对照组( 单纯药物治疗) , 疗程10 周。分别于治疗前、治疗后以及1 年随访结束时采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表( HAMD) 和生活质量综合评定问卷( GQOLI- 74) 评定临床疗效和生活质量情况。结果 两组的HAMD 总分低于治疗前,GQOLI- 74 总分高于治疗前, 差异有统计学意义( P< 0. 01) , 而联合治疗组的生活质量情况改善程度较对照组更为明显( P<0. 05) ; 1 年随访结束时联合治疗组病情复发率明显低于对照组( 2 = 4. 81, P < 0. 05) , 显著进步人数高于对照组( 2= 3. 89, P<0. 05) 。结论 联合治疗组的疗效优于对照组, 行为激活技术治疗有较好的远期疗效和预防复发的作用。
【关键词】 行为激活技术; 药物治疗; 抑郁症; 汉密尔顿抑郁量表
An Ef fectiveness Study for Behavioral Activation to Depression. L i Yux ia. H enan L uohe M ed ical College, luohe 462002, P . R.China
【Abstract】 Objective To ex plore the clinical efficacy of Behavio ral Activ ation to Depr ession.Methods A t otal o f 42 patientsw ith unipo lar depr ession wer e div ided into behavioral act ivatio n ther apy plus drug ther apy gr oup( combined tr eatment gr oup) anddr ug ther apy gr oup by r andom block design fo r 10 w eeks. Hamiltion depr essio n scale ( HAMD) w as used to ev aluate the clinicalefficacy , and g eneral quality of life inventor y- 74 ( GQOLI- 74) was used t o evaluate the patients′qualit y of life in the co ur se oftreatment and follow -up per iod. Results The total scor es of HAMD reduced and the scor es of GQOIL- 74 increased sig nificantlyafter 10 w eeks for each gr oup( P < 0. 01) , Patients in combined t reatment gr oup had much better quality of life than patients indr ug therapy gr oup( P < 0. 05) . After 1 year follow -up, T he rate o f the r ecurr ence w as low er sig nificantly and impr oving w as higherin combined tr eatment g roup than the dr ug ther apy g roup. Concl usions Compared the dr ug ther apy g roup, the combinedtreatment gr oup has much better clinical efficacy , the behavioral activation techno log y’s lo ng-term result is g ood and can prev entrecur rence.