发布时间:2019-04-09 18:06:49   来源:admin    
www.nmgpsy.com内蒙古心理网DAVID EDWARD , M.D.

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EMPLOYER I.D. #:  521136447  (SCHARFF, M.D., P.A.)内蒙古心理网@Ozo6] r},v8C,V

I UhDi%y}0Born: January 8, 1941, St. Louis, Missouri内蒙古心理网b~3['K!|wc

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Married: to Jill Savege Scharff, 5 children


zxb(E8SX`n0Office Address:  6612 Kennedy Drive

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^+l W |8~m4G&_L0                     Chevy Chase, MD  20815

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  1. Co-Director, International Institute of Object Relations Therapy (IIORT) Chair,
    7wlo(].v+{O!BG0Two-Year Program in Object Relations Theory and Practice:Chair,
    2Ip8q.T8_+F2b0Satellite Clinical Application Program;内蒙古心理网NY5[:p~$w
    Faculty IIORT programs in Long Island, Manhattan and Chevy Chase
  2. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Georgetown Medical School
  3. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
  4. Teaching Analyst, Washington Psychoanalytic Institute 
  5. Co-Editor, Library of Object Relations
  6. Consultant in Psychiatry and Family Therapy, Child and Family Services,Washington, D.C., and Jewish Social Services, Rockville, MD
  7. Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, National Capital Military Psychiatry Residency Program


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              Grade School and High School:  St. Louis Country Day

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                     School, Graduated, 1958. College:  Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1958-1962,

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                     B.A., Magna Cum Laude, June 1962. Medical School:  Harvard, 1962-1966, M.D., 1966. Internship in Medicine:  Tufts-New  England Medical Center,   内蒙古心理网 n8Z"qgN%iO

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                   Boston, Massachusetts, June 1966-June 1967. Psychiatric Residency: Massachusetts Mental Health Center,    

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L})T$PZh6p0                   Boston, Massachusetts, July 1967 - June 1969. Fellowship in Child Psychiatry:  Beth Israel Hospital

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                     (Harvard), Boston, Massachusetts, July 1969-June 1970. Teaching Fellow:  Harvard Medical School, July 1967-June 1970.


Qd3hGMbms3{0                     (Concurrent with other appointments.) Honorary Senior Registrar:  Adolescent Department, Tavistock  内蒙古心理网6y,~/io4v

*z7\ j#IW qC4qj'O!{0                   Clinic, London, England.  July 1972-1973. Adolescent Fellow and Teaching Fellow:  Children's Hospital and

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                     George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1973-1974. Training in Child and Adult Psychoanalysis, Washington

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                     Psychoanalytic Institute, 1977-1984.



1969-present  Private Practice, part-time or full-time, in Adult and Child Psychiatry and              Psychoanalysis, including Psychosexual, Marital, and Family Psychiatry.


1970 - 1972   U.S. Public Health Service Psychiatrist, Rank of "Surgeon", (equivalent of Lieutenant Commander, Navy) Assignment:  Faculty of NIMH - Saint  Elizabeths Hospital Psychiatric Residency Program:

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1970 - 1971   Teaching Child, Community, and Adult Psychiatry.内蒙古心理网-RY&Qh;j1X\(md

1971 - 1972   Chairman, First Year Psychiatric Residency and Internship programs.


1972 - 1973    Honorary Senior Registrar, Tavistock Clinic, London, England, in Child, Adolescent, and Community Psychiatry.内蒙古心理网.a6e*z#fO/_xc3O}+E!h:k

1972 - 1973    Staff Member, Center for Applied Social Research, Tavistock Institute of  Human Relations, London.  (Principal Investigator, School Leaving Project).内蒙古心理网/|&WS7m T

1973 - 1981    Director, Psychotherapy and Sex Therapy Program, Preterm, Washington, D.C. (Psychiatric supervision and teaching, clinical work in Marital and  Psychosexual Therapy, Mental Health Education and Administration).内蒙古心理网CU V2LH

1973 - 1974    Adolescent Fellow, Hillcrest Children's Center/Children's Hospital, Washington, D.C


1973 - 1974    Staff (part-time) Area B Mental Health Center Youth Services.内蒙古心理网?q6F#|M X

1974 --1975    Psychiatrist, Hillcrest Children's Center, Washington, D.C. Responsibility for Family and Group Programs, and Psychiatric Supervision of Staff).内蒙古心理网&`v5Bj g)v'kF-uHa

1975 -1976     Staff Psychiatrist, Alcohol Grant Program, Area A Mental Health Center, Washington, D.C.  (Supervision, teaching, consultation, assessment, and treatment responsibilities).内蒙古心理网!M DTI'N`k[

1975 - 1981    Academic Staff.  Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, D.C.内蒙古心理网s7C^| xja

1977-present  Faculty and Teaching Analyst (1990), Washington Psychoanalytic Institute.内蒙古心理网:[Ah tNYS-c{/T

1981 - 1987    Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Family Practice, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.


1981-present  Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, to Clinical Professor (1990), Georgetown University Medical School


1987 - 1994    Director, Washington School of Psychiatry, Chair, Object Relations Theory and Therapy Program, 1989-1993内蒙古心理网6A@ i} b%Rc

1987-present  Associate Clinical Professor to Clinical Professor (1990), Uniformed  Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.内蒙古心理网6d&J*S:TNCoyL


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Active:   District of Columbia, Maryland,

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              Diplomat: National Board of Medicine, 1967.

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J5Z6F;Y N:q,u9Q0Inactive: Massachusetts, Virginia, California

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American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Adult Psychiatry - 1975, Child Psychiatry - 1976


:@V6T#D*t7e1U0American Psychoanalytic Association: certified in Psycho-analysis - 1986

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Certified Sex Therapist, American Association of Sex Educators,Counselors and Therapists, 1979内蒙古心理网"BF~o"k ]'o6B

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American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists, Certified as Clinical Member 1988内蒙古心理网l {\l&rM7B"D


vp"z9nE!bA |01971 - 1988  (Fellow-77) American Orthopsychiatric Association内蒙古心理网[bcq s+Y)g-A

3Z,]'iE+u6x^cl01974 -           American Psychiatric Association


1975 -          Washington Council of Child Psychiatry, Member

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7l@#C$CdN01976 -           American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists. President Elect 1987-1988, President 1988/89. Certified Sex Therapist                 (1979).

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1978 -              American Psychoanalytic Association, Affiliate Member (1978) to Member (1986).  Member, Committee on the Community & Society 1988 - 1991.内蒙古心理网 ~aQA8W U [n9B

v$b\}`01979 -          Washington Psychoanalytic Association, Affiliate Member (1979) to   Member (1984)内蒙古心理网}1f'ZM4MI7d

V#{ o6H ]F2\7c01981 -    1994      A.K. Rice Institute, Member

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1986 -           American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, (Fellow)


1986 -          International Psycho-Analytic Association, Member内蒙古心理网 [JeM}|_

(HMd.l3H|9U3[01987 -           Society for Sex Therapy and Research内蒙古心理网%lGOCfB/P

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1988 -           American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists, Clinical Member内蒙古心理网@0M3x0Iwd\t?,T/h~

4V2|}D_0s01993 -           International Association of Group Psychotherapy



#s2RL iDGNj01989 - 1996  Journal of Sex Education and Therapy


x,NKer"F3Qt01988-1994    Psychiatry内蒙古心理网0[6b!e:p(qV

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1989 -           Dialogues:  Relational Perspectives on Psychoanalysis内蒙古心理网zL9B,e*tP)_u

6i5?{lt(w2FW"O01990 - 1992  The Psychodynamic Letter内蒙古心理网 n^"N$\ p)M



American Association of Sex Educators Counselors & Therapists内蒙古心理网)p*[)b ha

3N,i|q)}/Re0             President-Elect 1987-88. President 1988-89.

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Washington School of Psychiatry Executive Council 1979 - 83.内蒙古心理网"{L3l cHE7fO


1987              Outstanding Achievement Award.  From the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.  For services provided at the University's Medical School, 1981 - 1987.内蒙古心理网m(fOdH5q,e"@m

1996                International Association of Marriage and Family Counseling Distinguished Presenter



1987-1994          As Director of the Washington School of Psychiatry, organized many conferences, workshops and lecture series, including four national conferences and one institute annually as Chair of the Object Relations Theory and Therapy Training Program, featuring prominent object relations theorists from the U.S. and Great Britain.内蒙古心理网C i6{5C\`

1994 - 1997        As Director of the International Institute of Object Relations Therapy’s two-year program in Object Relations Theory and Practice, organized the following international conferences:

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July, 1995,          “Theory and Practice of Object Relations Therapy,” with Arthur  Hyatt Williams October, 1995, “Love and Hate in the Therapeutic Setting,” with Glen Gabbard, M.D.

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November, 1995, “Brief Therapeutic Encounters,” with Robin Anderson, M.D.内蒙古心理网U'^/{"|7M6e IkenF

February, 1996,  “Individual and Organizational Development,” with Anton Obholzer, M.D.

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May, 1996,         “Guntrip and Self Psychology,” with Jeremy Hazell, Ll.B., B.A.P., and Joseph Lichtenberg, M.D.


July, 1996:          Infant Observation and Research Contributions to Object Relations Theory and Practice,” with Gianna Williams, Ph.D.; Stephen Suomi, Ph.D. and Mary Sue Moore, Ph.D.内蒙古心理网~pD v:@ E| s

October, 1996,    “Visions and Revisions” with Christopher Bollas, Ph.D.内蒙古心理网1H(nk-vpV0tCe

January, 1997,    “Current Concepts of Kleinian Theory and Practice,” with Elizabeth Bott Spillius, Ph.D.内蒙古心理网k^B~r^%e%a,?3{6m

February, 1997,  “Addiction, Perversion, Trauma,” with Earl Hopper, Ph.D.

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April, 1997,         “Creativity, Regression and Acting Out,” with Gregorio Kohon, M.D.

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October, 1997,   “Between Conflict and Fragmentation: Theory and Technique,” with Salman Akhtar, M.D.内蒙古心理网Q u*p$w$ZZ,s,@

January, 1998,   “Narcissism and Spirituality,” with Neville Symington


April, 1998,        “Therapy with the Severely Disturbed Child and Adult,” with Anne Alvarez


1995                  Treating Trauma and Divorce, co-sponsored with the Instituto de Psicologia Clinica y Psicoterapia, Panama City, Panama, January 12-13, 1995.

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                          Traumatic Realities and Object Relations, co-sponsored with the Object Relations Group of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, February 24-25, 1995.

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1996                  Fairbairn Conference, co-sponsored byPsychoanalytic Dialogues, New York Academy of Medicine and IIORT, New York City, October 4-6, 1996内蒙古心理网2I)pM2^g/_


  1. Between Two Worlds:  Aspects of the Transition from School to Work,  David E. Scharff and J. M. M. Hill, Careers, Consultants Books, London, 1976.
  2. The Sexual Relationship:  An Object Relations View of Sex and the Family.  Routledge & Kegan Paul, Boston & London,1982 - (in "The International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process.")
  3. Object Relations Family Therapy, (with Jill Savege Scharff) Jason Aronson, 1987.
  4. Issue Editor with L. David Levi: The Intrapsychic and Interpersonal Dimensions: An Unresolved Dilemma.  Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 8:4:88.  The Analytic Press,Hillsdale, New Jersey.
  5. Object Relations Couple Therapy, (with Jill Savege Scharff), Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ.,1991.
  6. Refinding the Object and Reclaiming the Self, Jason Aronson,Northvale, NJ, (1992).
  7. Scharff Notes: A Primer of Object Relations Therapy, (with Jill Savege Scharff). Jason Aronson,Northvale, NJ, (1992)
  8. From Instinct to Self:  The Collected Papers of W.R.D.Fairbairn.  Vols. I & II.  (edited with Elinor Fairbairn Birtles).Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ, (1994)
  9. Object Relations Therapy of Physical and Sexual Trauma, (with Jill Savege Scharff).  Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ (1994)
  10. Object Relations Theory and Practice  Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ (1995).(Edited, with extensive introduction)
  11. Object Relations Individual Therapy, with Jill Scharff.  Jason Aronson, Northvale,  NJ (1998).
  12. Fairbairn Then and Now, edited with Neil Skolnick.  Analytic Press (1998).
  13. Tuning the Therapeutic Instrument: The Affective Learning of Psychotherapy. Jason Aronson, Northvale, NJ (2000)
  14. The Psychoanalytic Century: Freud's Legacy for the Future.Other Press, NY (2001)

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  15. Theories and Strategies of Family Therapy(with Jill Savege Scharff).Allyn & Bacon (2002)

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  1. "Case Report of a Borderline Patient", Psychiatric Opinion, April, 1969.
  2. "The Transition from School to Work:  Group Work in London High Schools", In When Schools Care, Irving Berkovitz, editor.  Brunner/Mazel, 1975.
  3. "Sex Is a Family Affair:  Sources of Discord and Harmony",  Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy.  Vol. 11, # 1, Spring, 1976.
  4. "Expressions of Ambivalence in Sexual Relationships", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality.  Vol. 11, # 1, Spring, 1976.
  5. "The Power of Sex to Sustain Marriage",  Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality.  Vol. 12, #8, August, 1978, p. 8 - 25.
  6. "Truth and Consequences in Sex and Marital Therapy:  "The  Revelation of Secrets in the Therapeutic Context." Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy,  Vol. 4, # 1, Spring 1977.
  7. "Childhood Origins of Sexual Difficulty",  Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality.  Vol. 12, # 9, Sept., 1978, p. 61 - 70.
  8. Teaching and Learning:  An Experiential Conference" (with Jill Savege Scharff)  Journal of Personality and Social Systems,  Vol. 2, # 1, 1979, p. 53 - 78.
  9. "L'impossible dilemme" in Choisir de Donner La Vie: Proceedings of the International Colloquium of "Choisir", Oct 5 - 7, 1979 at UNESCO, Paris. Paris, Gallimard. (1979) pp 293 - 300.
  10. "The Use of a Sex Rap Group in an Adolescent  Medical Clinic",  David E. Scharff,  Thomas Silber,  Gordon Tripp, et al.  Adolescence.  Vol. 15, # 60, Winter, 1980.
  11. "Between Two Worlds:  Emotional Needs of Adolescents Facing the Transition from School to Work',  In Responding to Adolescent Needs, editor Max Sugar, S. P. Medical and Scientific Books, New York, 1980.
  12. Commentary on "Helping Parents with Quarreling Siblings" by H. and J. Rosenstock. Medical Aspects of Human sexuality 17, 1. January 1983. p 104 - 108.
  13. Book Review of:  The Family's Construction of Reality, by David Reiss, Psychiatry, Nov., 1983.
  14. "Painful Memories", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. 1985. Vol. 18 # 12. Dec. 1984. p 88 - 100.
  15. "How to Caution Children About Talking to Strangers", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 19:6. June 1985 p 188 - 209.   Scharff,D.E., Drake,F.R., Scharff, J.S., Ehemann, L.J.
  16. "An Object Relations Approach to Inhibited Sexual Desire," in Sexual Desire Disorders, S.R. Lieblum and R.C. Rosen, eds. New York, NY., Guilford (1988)pp 45 -74fi
  17. "Countertransference as the Interface Between the Intra- psychic and the Interpersonal".  Epilogue to  "The Intra- psychic and Interpersonal Dimensions:  An Unresolved Dilemma.      Psychoanalytic Inquiry 8:4:1988   pp 598 - 602
  18. "An Object Relations Approach to Sexuality in Family Life". In Foundations of Object Relations Family Therapy, ed J.S. Scharff, Northvale N.J., Jason Aronson 1989. pp 399 - 417
  19. ", Countertransference and Technique in Object Relations Family Therapy".  In Foundations of Object Relations Family Therapy, ed. J.S Scharff, Northvale N.J.,  Jason Aronson 1989. pp 421-445
  20. "Family Therapy and Sexual Development: An Object Relations Approach,"  Intimate Environments, D. Kantor and B. Okun eds., New York, NY., Guilford (1989) pp 1 -27.
  21. "Transference and Countertransference with Young Children in Family Therapy"  in "Children and Family Therapy: Treatment & Training" ed. J.Zilbach, Special issue of Psychotherapy and The Familyï, Vol 5 # 3/4 1989.
  22. "Sexual Development & Sexual Psychopathology;  An Object Relations Point of View".  In îThe Handbook of Developmental Psychopathologyï.  Michael Lewis & Suzanne M. Miller,editors, New York: Plenum, 1990.
  23. Book Review of “Fairbairn's Journey to the Interior”by J.D.Sutherland. "Psychiatry", Vol. 53, NO.3, pp 324-326 (1990).
  24. "Relational Concepts and Their Implications".  Book reviewon Stephen Mitchell's Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp 429-38 (1990).
  25. "The Early Phase of Treatment: An Object Relations Approach".  Psychiatric Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 2, (1992).
  26. "Using Countertransference in Family Therapy" (with Jill Savege Scharff).  Family Therapy Networker, September-October, 1991, pp. 73-78.
  27. "The Object Relations of the Therapist."  The Clinical Supervisor, 1992,Vol. 10, No. 2.
  28. Book Review of “The Relevance of the Family to Psychoanalytic Theory” by Theodore Lidz, M.D. “The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association”, Vol. 44 #1, 1996.
  29. "Object Relations Couple Therapy," with Jill Savege Scharff.  Invited article, American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 51 #2, 1997.
  30. "Sex and Intimacy,"The Intimate Couple, eds. Carlson, J. and Sperry, L.Brunner/Mazell, 1999.
  31. "Object Relations Brief Therapy”co-author with Michael Stadter, inBrief Therapy with Individuals and Couples, edited by John Carlson and Len Sperry, Zeig, Tucker &Theisen, Inc., 2000. 
  32. "Fairbairn and the Self as an Organized System:  Chaos Theory as a New Paradigm", Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 8, No. 2, Fall 2000.
  33. "Applying Psychoanalysis to Couple Therapy:  The Treatment of a Couple with Sexualized Persecutory Internal Objects Resulting from Trauma", Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall 2001.


  1. Residential Conferences in group work and organizational behavior.  July 6 - 12, 1971 November 12 - 17, Sponsored by the A. K. Rice Institute.
  2. Residential Group Relations Conference, Leicester, England, April 6 - 19, 1973.                 Sponsored by Tavistock Institute.
  3. Group Relations and Organizations.  Course at American University taught by  Kenn Rogers, Ph.D. Spring, 1972.


  1. Urban Sisters Coalition Schools, Boston, 1969 - 1970.
  2. Anacostia Community School Project, Washington, D.C. 1970-72.
  3. Secondary Schools, Inner London Education Authority, 1972 - 1973.
  4. McKinley High School, Wash., DC. 1973-74.
  5. Wilson High School, Wash., DC., 1975-76.
  6. Columbia Road Pre-School, 1976-79.
  7. Capitol East Day Care Center, 1979-80.
  8. Teaching and supervision of Mental Health Consultation, 1970 - 1981.


  1. School  Consultation Project, 1970 - 72, Anacostia Community School Project, Washington, DC.(Results summarized in paper presented,April,1972, American Orthopsychiatric Association Meetings).
  2. Research on psychological aspects of "The Transition from School to Work", carried at Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London, under the supervision of J.M.M. Hill, Director, Center for Applied Social Research,Sept. 1972 - July 1973 and in Washington D.C. 1973 - 1974.  Published as Between Two Worlds: Aspects of the Transition from School to Work
  3. Collaboration in pilot project in training student teachers, with Mildred Marshak,Ph.D.,  Institute of Education, University of London, 1972 - 1973.
  4. Clinical Research in Sex Therapy and Family Dynamics, 1974 - 1981
  5. Research project, USUHS, "Risk Factors in Medical Student Development":March, 84-86.Results presented at International Group Psychotherapy Association, Zagreb 1986, and Tavistock Clinic Conference on Training, August, 1987.
  6. Consultation and Training to Office of the Assistant Inspector General,  U.S. Department of Labor, Oct. 1985.



1967 - 1970  Harvard University, Teaching Fellow in Psychiatry.内蒙古心理网4XH:`8D+Q

1970 - 1972  NIMH - St. Elizabeths Hospital, Training Officer NIMH Psychiatric Residency Program.


1972 - 1973  Tavistock Clinic, London, Honorary Senior Registrar内蒙古心理网VEm8cpO

1973 - 1981  George Washington University, Instructor (1973/4) Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington, D.C. and Assistant Clinical Professor, 1974 - 1981.

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1977 - 1994  Faculty, Washington School of Psychiatry,


1981 -          Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychiatryand Family Practice, 1981-87.  Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, 1987-89. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, 1990.


1981 -          Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, to Clinical Professor (1990), Georgetown University School of Medicine.内蒙古心理网X%PFw(m y


  1. 1974-81      George Washington University, Co-Chair, 1st year Psychiatry Course.
  2. 1975-76      Department of Psychiatry, Children's Hospital National Medical Center. Head, Group and Family Course.
  3. 1974-81      Resident supervision and teaching, George Washington University andChildren's Hospital.
  4. 1975-80      Director, one and two day conferences:   "Teaching and Learning, an Experiential  Conference".  American University; The Mark Twain School, Rockville, Maryland;  Honors Program, University of Maryland.
  5. 1977-6/94     Washington School of Psychiatry.     Psychoanalytic Family Therapy Program, Faculty 1977 - ; Advanced Psychotherapy   Program Faculty, 1986 - ; Child and Adolescent Program Faculty,1986 -. Clinical Program in Psychotherapy.Practice, 1989 - .
  6. 1980-87 Consultant, Group Relations Conferences, A.K.Rice Institute. Director, A.K. Rice Group Relations Conference on Governmental Issues (1984 & 85)
  7. 1981 -        Supervision and teaching to residents  and child fellows, Georgetown Medical School, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bethesda Naval Hospital, George Washington Medical School.
  8. 1994 -    Consultant in Psychiatry and Family Therapy, Child and Family Services, Washington, D. C.
  9. 1995 -    Consultant in Couple Therapy, Jewish Social Services, Rockville, MD.


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Numerous presentations since 1971. Examples during last 20 years include:内蒙古心理网D `3_ eCUS


Grand Rounds and Presentations:内蒙古心理网5ZS Cmv!t5J-w

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Suburban Hospital, Children's Hospital, Georgetown Department of Psychiatry, Walter Reed Army Medical Center Department of Psychiatry, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Community Psychiatric Clinic, Arlington Mental Health Center,

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Northwest Clinic of the District of Columbia, The American University Counseling Center.  The Greater Washington Society of Clinical Social Workers; Lecture on Adolescent Sexuality at the Psychiatric Institute Foundations Program on Adolescence, April1988; University Hospitals, Cleveland (1986); Tavistock Clinic -several times since 1975; Sinai Hospital of Detroit, Oct. 1988; Friends of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Society, Oct. 1988;  Payne Whitney Department of Social Work, May 1989;  Bethesda Naval Hospital, Dept. of Psychiatry, 1991;  University of Utah Medical School, Nov. 1991.内蒙古心理网@ n~5`o ZE@

,|*I7_0l2R0The Washington School of Psychiatry:  1978 - 1994内蒙古心理网/NW{bz|

U-tcu \,z/` z0       Yearly presentations on Object Relations Family Therapy at Annual Family Therapy Symposia; other Washington School of Psychiatry meetings, including The Kingdom of Oedipus (1988); Dreaming Since ; October 1989, Discussant, at the WSP Co-

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sponsored Annual Meeting of National Association for Self Psychology, Wash. D.C., Oct. 1988.内蒙古心理网M1l h