Bruce Headey及其同事分析了来自德国社会经济委员会调查的数据——这是在1984到2008年之间对成年和青年家庭成员进行的一系列年度调查——结果发现,一大批德国人口在这25年中经历了长期而且看上去持久的关于幸福感的变化。
心理学之家 推荐原文英文摘要:
PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1008612107
Long-running German panel survey shows that personal and economic choices, not just genes, matter for happiness
Bruce Headeya,1, Ruud Muffelsb, and Gert G. Wagnerc
aMelbourne Institute, Melbourne University, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia;
bDepartment of Social Sciences, Tilburg University, 5000, Le Tilburg, The Netherlands; and
cGerman Institute for Economic Research and Max Planck Institute for Human Development, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Psychologists and economists take contradictory approaches to research on what psychologists call happiness or subjective well-being, and economists call subjective utility. A direct test of the most widely accepted psychological theory, set-point theory, shows it to be flawed. Results are then given, using the economists’ newer “choice approach”—an approach also favored by positive psychologists—which yields substantial payoffs in explaining long-term changes in happiness. Data come from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1984–2008), a unique 25-y prospective longitudinal survey. This dataset enables direct tests of theories explaining long-term happiness.