www.nmgpsy.com内蒙古心理网2FE6|7C-NU0Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory ()
K1rJ/F0k/um-O_0内蒙古心理网'XAo5vz(Dby ELIZABETH FREIRE & SOTI GRAFANAK 内蒙古心理网NC0WeC5oSC
lq X0In 1956, Barrett-Lennard was a graduate student at the Counseling Center of the University of Chicago looking for a topic for his doctoral thesis, when Rogers first circulated his theoretical formulation of the relationship conditions (one year before its publication). For his doctoral research, Barrett-Lennard decided to test Rogers‘ theory with actual clients in therapy (Barrett-Lennard, 1959). However, there were yet no measures of the therapist-to-client relationship conditions and then Barrett-Lennard had to ‘invent them from the ground up’ (Barrett-Lennard, 2002, p. 65). Barrett-Lennard reasoned that the relationship ‘as experienced by the client would be most crucially related to the outcome of therapy’ (Barrett-Lennard, 2002, p. 67).Consequently, he decided to focus his instrument on the client’s perceptions of the therapist’s attitudes in the relationship, supplemented by the therapist’s views of his/her own responses.
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内蒙古心理网#XcL(q2?{-f9j.MDescription of the instrument
T!phs'G0The BLRI comprises four subscales: ‘Empathic Understanding共情式理解’, ‘Level of Regard关注程度’, ‘Unconditionality无条件性’, and ‘Congruence一致性’. Barrett-Lennard (1962) considered that the concept of Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR) could not be treated as a unitary dimension or single variable, and therefore he separated UPR into two distinct variables: ‘Level of Regard’ and ‘Unconditionality’. In the initial version of the instrument, Barrett-Lennard (1962) had included a fifth variable called ‘Willingness to be known’ but the results for this variable were ambiguous and he decided to drop it from later versions of the inventory. However, some elements of this scale were absorbed into the Congruence dimension (Barrett-Lennard, 1978, 1986).
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y;k`The BLRI is structured as a self-report questionnaire, with a six-point bipolar rating scale ranging from -3 (‘NO, I strongly feel that it is not true’) to +3 (‘YES , I strongly feel that it is true’). The 64-item BLRI (Barrett-Lennard, 1978), the version most widely used today (Barrett-Lennard, 1998; 2003), contains 16 items (8 positively worded and 8 negatively worded) for each of the four sub-scales. Examples of items from the 64-item client form (Other-to-Self, or OS) are presented in the table below.内蒙古心理网2le2w5nU9vh6G`
内蒙古心理网PY-qGo[LClients are asked to mentally insert the name of the therapist in the underlined space in each item.
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E%^KS)]$af0内蒙古心理网C.QdXw)s3S37. Level of Regard (+)
U,Ghn't0U)SNR$^}0______ is friendly and warm toward me.
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e+]o33. Level of Regard (-)
1qie%X~;u'V)Y4^08\8JM)uO1|W0______ just tolerates me.内蒙古心理网0T7PGVCKPYi
Y30. Empathic Understanding (+)内蒙古心理网Z2a-j9]+R(V
a&F,ud:MZ0_____ realises what I mean even when I havedifficulty in saying it.
w$W%Mf8[7w,cnG0内蒙古心理网 oTe:v(y2OI58. Empathic Understanding (-)
NY?Zp}3]&_0内蒙古心理网x?o.?b!F7N!l______’s response to me is usually so fixed and automatic that I don’t get through to him/her.内蒙古心理网h:k.?*o*oG-o!i,FT
M/m7}/J K2l051. Unconditionality (+)内蒙古心理网tk2CR4lA&oVL
内蒙古心理网(|;J0z/q^kWhether thoughts and feelings I express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ makes no difference to ______’s feeling toward me.
7F!}4ZI-A-O0K uA"ct4JA4c-]011. Unconditionality (-)