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I1q7jq6g/`0Part 1 – List of volumes
k4ph{4l`:x sTv!v^_0   WRB 1 Experiences in Groups and Other Papers London: Tavistock Publications and New York: Routledge1961
5x'MU)]&O;Ve]~0      reprinted Hove: Brunner-Routledge 2001
;Xnk O U/|:B|0P_0   WRB 2 Learning from Experience London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1962
GK4E.h$a%e+H0      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB3, WRB4 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977
B{S0e cXbm5^0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984内蒙古心理网x)B\tje
   WRB 3 Elements of Psycho-Analysis London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1963
EP%v_*Q*h7h8G0      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB4 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977内蒙古心理网,c ?eks)o;VG_
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984内蒙古心理网piFx;T ?/F
   WRB 4 Transformations London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1965内蒙古心理网J#A;rY6~H:W\%o
      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB3 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977内蒙古心理网z-@8os] |
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984
5Jq-b.x@e0   WRB 5 Second Thoughts: Selected Papers on Psycho-Analysis London: William Heinemann
[#{]8r+p7Qs t0      Medical Books 1967 reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984
J:sk)s@vge0r0   WRB 6 Attention and Interpretation London: Tavistock Publications 1970内蒙古心理网/{$yqh'|$l
      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB3 & WRB4 New York: Aronson 1977内蒙古心理网JfR i&^/D ?4n.h"R
      reprinted London: Karnac Books1984内蒙古心理网T]6lTZ;J
   WRB 7 Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 1 – São Paulo Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1973
"}*ws }q0      reprinted in Brazilian Lectures (revised & corrected ed.) with WRB 8 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1990
a:Y(A"~Zk0   WRB 8 Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 2 – Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1974内蒙古心理网Kq2\6|JkD`
      reprinted in Brazilian Lectures (revised & corrected ed.) with WRB 7 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1990
NlfK!H1O$k;[0   WRB 9 A Memoir of the Future Book 1 – The Dream Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1975
9qv/`#qB2r+O9M/kg0      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 10,WRB 13 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991内蒙古心理网}F!L8l*n w
   WRB10 A Memoir of the Future Book 2 – The Past Presented Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977
u3a4XPwx0      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 13 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991内蒙古心理网 m+V/z)j }M l!X L8K
   WRB11 Two Papers: The Grid and Cæsura Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977
8y1F-S7]i5t,O Ok0      reprinted (revised and corrected edition) London: Karnac Books 1989
Y f'Ti%\? k0   WRB12 Four Discussions with W.R. Bion Perthshire: Clunie Press 1978
`U R"{4N[_s9@7Wl0      reprinted in Clinical Seminars and other works with WRB 18 in one volume (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000内蒙古心理网+BwZv3Df+O
   WRB13 A Memoir of the Future Book 3 The Dawn of Oblivion Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977内蒙古心理网_/@+| }%ol2J7K
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 10 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991内蒙古心理网)Z0} RFO0e4Hq
   WRB14 Bion in New York and São Paulo Perthshire: Clunie Press 1980内蒙古心理网T1w5cw(oJjv9o3u x f
   WRB15 A Key to A Memoir of the Future Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977
KA$lyYA0i0      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 10 & WRB 13 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991
$Ya\Cr0   WRB16 The Long Weekend: 1897-1919 (Part of a Life) (edited by Francesca Bion) Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1982 Reprinted London: Free Association Books 1986内蒙古心理网.V;Z"@)kU.`0C3lb ex
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1991
2]W i@'^ceth0   WRB17 All My Sins Remembered: Another part of a Life and The Other Side of Genius: Family Letters (edited by Francesca Bion) Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1985内蒙古心理网6} lV'I.KN{i
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1991
;ns.} EV |q0   WRB18 Clinical Seminars and Four Papers Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1987
)z'J `4[d0k&uX0      reprinted in Clinical Seminars and other works with WRB 12 in one volume(edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000
l5?(t t$]0   WRB19 Cogitations (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1992new extended edition London: Karnac Books 1994内蒙古心理网%g!{#f,U+c^A]1Z\
   WRB20 Taming Wild Thoughts (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1997
v Y5]dvO G0   WRB21 War Memoirs 1917-1919 (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1997内蒙古心理网|'Ly[pF2ca'~ l Y$l
   WRB22 Clinical Seminars and other works (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000[single volume edition containing Four Discussions with W.R.Bion (WRB 12) and Clinical Seminars and Four Papers (WRB 18)]
X]Q m&Lc`0   WRB23 The Italian Seminars (edited by Francesca Bion and transl. from the Italian by Philip Slotkin)内蒙古心理网5~8v!L,vK Y5[4mv)d
      London: Karnac Books 2005 [earlier edition Seminari Italiani: Testo Completo dei
ToRT8P0      Seminari tenuti da W.R.Bion a Roma. Edizioni Borla 1985]
a4t Q s'{%~5B.fl#D0   WRB24 The Tavistock Seminars (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2005内蒙古心理网4cW$A [a rZ
内蒙古心理网~ } ItgrAK&U
Part 2 - Chronological内蒙古心理网Q.\7[[L'{
1940 War of Nerves, The in The Neuroses in War ed. & Crichton-Miller (pp 180-200)内蒙古心理网 S"W8Kh/bx?1g
    London, Macmillan 1940
h0x0g[Q9Npl01943 Intra-group tensions in therapy (with Rickman, J.)内蒙古心理网 E&K1Og/xI Zg
   Lancet 2: 678/781 – Nov.27 ’43 WRB 1 pp 11-26内蒙古心理网W,lW R2Q+t LP't
1946 Northfield Experiment [The] (with Bridger, H. and Main, T.)内蒙古心理网}tZ~.L(X pjT
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 71-76内蒙古心理网 m F:tQ(Wp3T[u
1946b Leaderless Group Project
0r4u6E;s+}f4|0   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77-81
5o"N]#r(HG$L01948a Psychiatry in a time of crisis
1@sl}&u/sG-{j7G0   Br.Jnl. Med.Psy. XXI: 81-89内蒙古心理网d7d S&bJ]u}W^
1948b Experiences in Groups I内蒙古心理网$I$b+[#Q-X:`s
   Human Relations I: 314-320 WRB 1 pp 29-40
%t9Hm]&poRX7GK01948c Experiences in Groups II内蒙古心理网;aD/o*s k/Q
   Human Relations I: 487-496 WRB 1 pp-41-58内蒙古心理网+xzyE^A9C
1948d Untitled paper read at the Int. Cong. on Mental Health London 1948. pubd. in
:e2` z'Uh+zX#z$m0   Vol.III Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical内蒙古心理网o&EB*w-Y0b,@[
   Psychotherapy 106-109 London, H.K.Lewis & N.Y., Columbia U.P. 1948内蒙古心理网E!}6q'p]iQ `T
1949a Experiences in Groups III
.Ki4iB?A/m(G"y.s0   Human Relations 2: 13-22 WRB 1 pp 59-75内蒙古心理网!po O&gE%y P V1M
1949b Experiences in Groups IV
;v9n Z3T {!ev I0   Human Relations 2: 295-303 WRB 1 pp 77-91
p6}+}$fr01950a Experiences in Groups V内蒙古心理网u#am X&[K}"@L7omv
   Human Relations 3: 3-14 WRB 1 pp 93-114
#f vH$x6yJ\M \01950b Experiences in Groups VI
/^gT;LnB'b9p0   Human Relations 3: 395-402 WRB 1 pp 115-126
2],A/d7P#uw KnQ01950c Imaginary Twin, The内蒙古心理网_S+V k-RZ g0q
   read to Br.PsA Soc Nov 1 ’50 . WRB 5 pp 3-22内蒙古心理网O)h%q-l6H0XHf
1951 Experiences in Groups VII内蒙古心理网Up&{H4or Y6O
   Human Relations 4: 221-227 WRB 1 pp 127-137
#APIt Q?01952 Group Dynamics: a review.
VJ,J)Z }{9pY;A"ir0   IJP 33: 235-247
4z)@#i"?(O*cyO0   also in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al内蒙古心理网8i/~D\/H4sA
   pp. 440-477 Tavistock Publ. London 1955 WRB 1 pp 141-191
-B^t+FM*T;i9e01954 Notes on the Theory of Schizophrenia
bA,Y2f8m5BD)I0   IJP 35: 113-118 WRB 5 pp 23-35
^9IU!tP X ]%u01955 Language and the Schizophrenic内蒙古心理网6Jd:A!A1W8x C
   in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al内蒙古心理网I5PK2?kh
   pp. 200-239 Tavistock Publ. London 1955
w1{(gGd01956 Development of Schizophrenic Thought, The
:m6CaF2xs&Q0   IJP 37: 344-346 WRB 5 pp 36-42
{;S|S4x#IQ2h%II8A01957a Differentiation of the Psychotic from the non-Psychotic personalities, the
N|1D,mDF!q#u {8u_0   IJP 38: 266-275 WRB 5 pp 43-64
yi:N jhi01957b On Arrogance
-jzK0[&n Nh9q"M#OCq0   IJP 39: 144-146 WRB 5 pp 86-92内蒙古心理网DY.`,D sEI cU_v-B
1958 On Hallucination
Rv k#|7D%\8N\0   IJP 39: 341-349 WRB 5 pp 65-85
u1|x:P4Nd_01959 Attacks on Linking内蒙古心理网,?$K+c:Fy9bLXg B
   IJP 40: 308-315 WRB 5 pp 93-109内蒙古心理网*o8f5u3g8m3s;` I
1961 Melanie Klein – Obituary (with Herbert Rosenfeld and Hanna Segal)
!@qL$V8R#x.i0   IJP 42: 4-8内蒙古心理网 gg!D"J.gM.DN
1962 Psychoanalytic Study of Thinking, the内蒙古心理网+K#^6C1Q:s"?g
   IJP 43: 306-310 (pub’d as A Theory of Thinking) WRB 5 pp 110-119内蒙古心理网7{)Sx'_#jL;J6p(N$bn@
1963 The Grid WRB 20 pp. 6-21内蒙古心理网4Tq s9s Fgl`+V
1966(a) Catastrophic Change内蒙古心理网I)NU#dM7zgZ} ` [
   Bulletin of the Br. PsA Soc #5
UK`6X'Amb P5w q(@01966(b) Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psycho-analysis K.Eissler. New York, I.U.P. 1965 (review)内蒙古心理网%{Hax^RO pa4X
   IJP 47: 575-579
[&Lu;hRk01966(c) Sexual Behavior and the Law ed. R.Slovenko. Springfield, Thomas 1964 (review)内蒙古心理网+N4t R1|)\6C
   IJP 47: 579-581内蒙古心理网lXnR5}]&H4D
1967 Notes on Memory and Desire
]{zO o6EQlC Z0   Psychoanalytic Forum 11/3: 271-280. Reprinted in Melanie Klein Today Vol.2 –
8cbF t2B&P z_5?0   Mainly Practice: 17-21 ed. E.Bott Spillius London Routledge 1988内蒙古心理网8sf.kN S,|l4VP y$F$x
1976a Evidence内蒙古心理网-Q'Gn-D| b
   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1976 WRB 18 pp 313-320
Q-[(_Ft"D1I01976b Interview with A.G.Banet Jr. Los Angeles, 1976内蒙古心理网&p1K!K8d7ZHGQSW
   Group and Organisation Studies vol.1 No.3: 268-285 WRB24 pp 97-114
X] Z N@+C(i4u01977a Quotation from (on a)
Y4g/yV.q F!H$x0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 306-311内蒙古心理网+f;U.D.V%oa9aS'my
1977b Emotional Turbulence内蒙古心理网 kKT,`2g ~(G
   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 295-305
K e!j$~PY9s01977c Seven Servants (with an introduction by W.R. Bion) containing Elements of Psycho-Analysis,
'D-]Ns7}b0   Learning from Experience, Transformations, Attention and Interpretation内蒙古心理网6i#em!m oW#}
   New York: Aronson内蒙古心理网C:Q*g Eh#I
1978 Seminar held in Paris, July 10th 1978 (unpublished in English) published in French
kjQ1SM"mB7g0   Revue Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe 1986内蒙古心理网'x"y+{aE@
1979 Making the best of a Bad Job内蒙古心理网z4mJH&L&G0s
   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1979 WRB 18 pp 321-331内蒙古心理网F*Z],^h j&b

A]$uk!ieL#c0Part 3 - Alphabetical
T$X2G zY6Wo01959 Attacks on Linking
.B8ma6n \ Hp8|f0   IJP 40: 308-315 WRB 5 pp 93-109内蒙古心理网o5xP!q9~W&W
1966 Catastrophic Change
7zn~OW0   Bulletin of the Br. PsA Soc #5内蒙古心理网/X9n/s JG
1956 Development of Schizophrenic Thought, The
J1vZucd0   IJP 37: 344-346 WRB 5 pp 36-42
!lv2Besh/z2*^01957a Differentiation of the Psychotic from the non-Psychotic personalities, the
wuyP,[ lrCM0   IJP 38: 266-275 WRB 5 pp 43-64内蒙古心理网b(c-hO+f&S Mi};W
1977b Emotional Turbulence
B qAS[.^ X0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 295-305
M0b8xW-~tU:um|01976a Evidence
H P)P&@Y,N/~0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1976 WRB 18 pp 313-320内蒙古心理网?Bu^9~o^jX+p
1948b Experiences in Groups I
8~"W Uaxp+{0   Human Relations I: 314-320 WRB 1 pp 29-40
]])HhJ)R a!@W7}o01948c Experiences in Groups II
/Xtc E6NpYk0   Human Relations I: 487-496 WRB 1 pp-41-58
7W WO?q;^qY01949a Experiences in Groups III
JB\!C8b4C5p0E0   Human Relations 2: 13-22 WRB 1 pp 59-75
\3\9L[3c01949b Experiences in Groups IV
Q+W&m.X/^(tv$lq0   Human Relations 2: 295-303 WRB 1 pp 77-91内蒙古心理网:CY B'n$X"b
1950a Experiences in Groups V
;@H]6].V:h0   Human Relations 3: 3-14 WRB 1 pp 93-114内蒙古心理网;Ab(DZ$T2v)q
1950b Experiences in Groups VI
Ks;?4Ca6ib0   Human Relations 3: 395-402 WRB 1 pp 115-126
i!u j z'{[01951 Experiences in Groups VII内蒙古心理网`+L C1rhzb Sg
   Human Relations 4: 221-227 WRB 1 pp 127-137内蒙古心理网@~+New L?H'A
1963 Grid, The WRB 20 pp. 6-21
S9~ [9yzd01952 Group Dynamics: a review.
K6h R#V6s S8R,p8U0   IJP 33: 235-247
?"s8u'p0p0   also in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al内蒙古心理网9`#t(T%G8r0\9S
   pp. 440-477 Tavistock Publ. London 1955 WRB 1 pp 141-191
T+G'HSU;C-Q01950c Imaginary Twin, The内蒙古心理网EZ1m7f)gY0e
   read to Br.PsA Soc Nov 1 ’50 . WRB 5 pp 3-22内蒙古心理网Q!Q:a'Z+w_ s*f
1976b Interview with A.G.Banet Jr. Los Angeles, April 1976内蒙古心理网 oJ OfU
   Group and Organisation Studies vol.1 No.3: 268-285 WRB24 pp 97-114内蒙古心理网;u4J#x2nq)O`(H
1943 Intra-group tensions in therapy (with Rickman, J.)内蒙古心理网7z,l!ddJ1M*}&b
   Lancet 2: 678/781 – Nov.27 ’43 WRB 1 pp 11-26
}8N:Z tU DL,y01955 Language and the Schizophrenic
Y I+eJ,ZWSWo0   in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al
v8Um|;UAk0   pp. 200-239 Tavistock Publ. London 1955
-C] bOp01946b Leaderless Group Project内蒙古心理网?7w|%W9[b
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77-81内蒙古心理网H@v+I'hX
1979 Making the best of a Bad Job
9gMW9Y-l0~;R|@"~0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1979 WRB 18 pp 321-331
6vp\I"w]S01966(b) Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psycho-analysis K.Eissler. New York, I.U.P. 1965 (review)内蒙古心理网9rl L_(imKB
I  JP 47: 575-579内蒙古心理网!}w9n"bF L1{
1961 Melanie Klein – Obituary (with Herbert Rosenfeld and Hanna Segal
#h5Apk?N0   IJPsA 42: 4-8内蒙古心理网{P^$ho0[ ?o1F
1967 Notes on Memory and Desire
r,Oo9X ME)u|.k0   Psychoanalytic Forum 11/3: 271-280. Reprinted in Melanie Klein Today Vol.2 –内蒙古心理网7}*gH3\+N0sT8y+]
   Mainly Practice: 17-21 ed. E.Bott Spillius London Routledge 1988内蒙古心理网I9Uto#x(B
1954 Notes on the Theory of Schizophrenia内蒙古心理网#[YT/?V;[;c#T
   IJP 35: 113-118 WRB 5 pp 23-35
)r @fg_M7fQ01946a Northfield Experiment [The] (with Bridger, H. and Main, T.)
zm4A#Ip8`x0   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 71-76
#j!WUH.\ e01957b On Arrogance内蒙古心理网O'Q.Y/nai0C/r
   IJP 39: 144-146 WRB 5 pp 86-92内蒙古心理网y(?6i#z'lsF
1958 On Hallucination
1A UYN%G6kr0   IJP 39: 341-349 WRB 5 pp 65-85
`,kVnlQ01948a Psychiatry in a time of crisis内蒙古心理网wiqM/ZG mI
   Br.Jnl. Med.Psy. XXI: 81-89
:E?d/z[j01962 Psychoanalytic Study of Thinking, the
A?q!A Rg&k V0   IJP 43: 306-310
"OqF-@@E[uq1Hw0   (pub’d as A Theory of Thinking) WRB 5 pp 110-119
&`%JwNEn01977a Quotation from Freud (on a)内蒙古心理网9e-dM4e0Br}#J
   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 306-311
;CG g,e~so#M01978 Seminar held in Paris, July 10th 1978 (unpublished in English) published in French
5E%a*IY8lV0   Revue Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe 1986
#W!i0W W/S y01977c Seven Servants (with an introduction by W.R. Bion) containing Elements of Psycho-Analysis,
L;^6maU EVS'}$w-?u0   Learning from Experience, Transformations, Attention and Interpretation内蒙古心理网5uIU\'r9h
   New York: Aronson
-OLwOE {/C'^?pX01966(c) Sexual Behavior and the Law ed. R.Slovenko. Springfield, Thomas 1964 (review)内蒙古心理网%]/])mQ&z1V4zBy3F
   IJP 47: 579-581内蒙古心理网Nk:^?;m e0[NC7Z
1948d Untitled paper read at the Int. Cong. on Mental Health London 1948. pubd. in内蒙古心理网-|)qe5x5}
   Vol.III Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical
h"QT9F1K,u ]0   Psychotherapy 106-109 London, H.K.Lewis & N.Y., Columbia U.P. 1948
+X:{-a8I}0c01940 War of Nerves, The in The Neuroses in War ed. Miller & Crichton-Miller (pp 180-200)内蒙古心理网0V!dD@1dH+nG B
   London, Macmillan 1940内蒙古心理网*wdn:F r
