
发布时间:2020-04-08 02:10:43   来源:admin    



对自卑 V.

Thus the inner stage seems all set for 'entrance into life',exceptthat life must first be school life,whether school is field or jungleor classroom.The ch ild must forget past hopes and wishes,whilehis exuberant imagination is tamed and harnessed to the laws ofimpersonal things - even the three Rs.For before the child,psychologically already a rudimentary parent,can become abiological parent,he must begin to be a worker and potentiaprovider.With the oncoming latency period,the normallyadvanced child forgets,or rather sublimates,the necessity to'make' people by direct attack or to become papa and mama in ahurry: he now learns to win recognition by producing things.He has mastered the ambulatory field and the organ modes.Hehas experienced a sense of finality regarding the fact that there isno workable future within the womb of his family,and thusbecomes ready to apply himself to given skills and tasks,whichgo far beyond the mere playful expression of his organ modes orthe pleasure in the function of his limbs.He develops a sense ofindustry - i.e.,he adjusts himself to the inorganic laws of thetool world.He can become an eager and absorbed unit of aproductive situation.To bring a productive situation to completionis an aim which gradually supersedes the whims andwishes of play.His ego boundaries include his tools and skills:the work principle (Ives Hendrick) teaches him the pleasure ofwork completion by steady attention and persevering diligence.In all cultures,at this stage,children receive some systematicinstruction,although,as we saw in the chapter on American.Indians,it is by no means always in the kind of school whichliterate people must organize around special teachers who havelearned how to teach literacy.In preliterate people and in nonliterate pursuits much is learned from adults who becometeachers by dint of gift and inclination rather than by appointment andperhaps the greatest amount is learned from olderchildren.Thus the fundamentals of technology are developed,asthe child becomes ready to handle the utensils,the tools,and theweapons used by the big people.Literate people,with morespecialized careers,must prepare the child by teaching him thingswhich first of all make him literate,the widest basic educationfor the greatest number of possible careers.The more confusingspecialization becomes,however,the more indistinct are theeventual goals of initiative j and the more complicated socialreality,the vaguer are the father's and mother's role in it.Schoolseems to be a culture all by itself,with its own goals and limits,its achievements and disappointments.


The child's danger,at this stage,lies in a sense of inadequacyand inferiority.If he despairs of his tools and skills or of hisstatus among his tool partners,he may be discouraged frommennncaltJ'lon with them and with a section of the tool world.To lose the hope of such 'industrial' association may pull himback to the more isolated,less tool-conscious familial rivalry ofthe oedipal time.The child despairs of his equipment in thetool world and in anatomy,and considers himself doomed tomediocrity or inadequacy.It is at this point that wider societybecomes significant in its ways of admittmg the child to anunderstanding of meaningful roles in its technology andeconomy.Many a child's development is disrupted when familylife has failed to prepare him for school life,or when school lifefails to sustain the promises of earlier stages.


Reagarding the period of a developing sense of industry,rhave referred to outer and znner hmdrances in the use of newcapacities but not to aggravations of new human drives,nor tosubmerged rages resulting from their frustration.This stagediffers from the earlier ones in that it is not a swing from aninner upheaval to a new mastery.calls it the latency stagebecause violent drives are normally dormant.But it is only a lullbefore the storm of puberty,when all the earlier drives re-emergein a new combination,to be brought under the dominance ofgenitality.


On the other hand,this is socially a most decisive stage: sinceindustry involves doing things beside and with others,a firstsense of division oflabour and of differential opportunity,that is,a sense of the technologtcal ethos of a culture,develops at thistime.We have pointed in the last section to the danger threateningindividual and society where the schoolchild begins to feelthat the colour of his skin,the background of his parents,or thefashion of his clothes rather than his wish and his will to learnwill decide his worth as an apprentice,and thus his sense ofidentity - to which we must now turn.But there is another,morefundamental danger,namely man's restriction of himself andconstriction of his horizons to include only his work to which,sothe Book says,he has been sentenced after his expulsion fromParadise.If he accepts work as his only obligation,and 'whatworks' as his only criterion of worthwhileness,he may becomethe conformist and thoughtless slave of his technology and ofthose who are in a position to exploit it.


