The report I gave two years ago at Royaumont on "The Direction of theCure" is to appear in the next issue of our review. The text is somewhatthrown together because I wrote it between two seminars I was giving here.I shall keep its improvised form, although I will try to fill out and rectifycertain things to be found there.
I said somewhere that an analyst has to pay something if he is to play hisrole.1我在某个地方说过,精神分析家必须付出某件东西,假如他想要扮演这个角色。
He pays in words, in his interpretations. He pays with his person to theextent that through the transference he is literally dispossessed. The wholecurrent development of analysis involves the misrecognition of the analyst,but whatever he thinks of that and whatever panic reaction the analyst engagesin through "the countertransference," he has no choice but to go through it.He's not the only one there with the person to whom he has made a commitment.
Finally, he has to pay with a judgment on his action. That's the minimumdemanded. Analysis is a judgment. It's required everywhere else, but if itseems scandalous to affirm it here, there is probably a reason. It is because,from a certain point of view, the analyst is fully aware that he cannot knowwhat he is doing in psychoanalysis. Part of this action remains hidden evento him.
And it is this that justifies the direction I have been taking you in this year,the point to which I have suggested you follow me, namely, there where thequestion of exploring the general ethical consequences involved in Freud'sopening up of the relationship to the unconscious is raised.
I grant that there was the appearance of a detour, but it was necessary soas to bring you closer to our ethics as analysts. A few reminders were neces-sary before I could bring you closer to the practice of analysis and its technicalproblems. In the present state of affairs, they can hardly be resolved throughsuch reminders.
In the first place, is it the end of analysis that is demanded of us? What isdemanded can be expressed in a simple word, bonheur or "happiness," asthey say in English. I'm not saying anything new in that; a demand for happinessis doubtless involved here.
首先,我们所被要求的是精神分析的目标吗?所被要求的东西,能够用一个简单的字词「幸福」 或是「快乐」来表达吗?,如同他们在英文所说的。我并没有说出任何新的东西,因为对于快乐的要求在这里,无可置疑地会被牵涉到。
In the report I referred to earlier - which, now that I see it in print, seemsa little too aphoristic, which explains why I will attempt here to lubricate itshinges a little - I allude to the question without explaining it further. Thebusiness is not helped by the fact that happiness has become a political matter.I won't go any further into this, but it is the reason why I ended thelecture called "Dialectical Psychoanalysis" - a lecture in which I brought toan end a certain period of activity in a group that we have broken with since- with the words, "There is no satisfaction for the individual outside of thesatisfaction of all."
To refocus analysis on the dialectic makes evident the fact that the goal isindefinitely postponed. It's not the fault of analysis if the question of happinesscannot be articulated in any other way at the present time. I would saythat it is because, as Saint-Just says, happiness has become a political matter.It is because happiness has entered the political realm that the question ofhappiness is not susceptible to an Aristotelian solution, that the prerequisiteis situated at the level of the needs of all men. Whereas Aristotle choosesbetween the different forms of the good that he offers the master, and tellshim that only certain of these are worthy of his devotion - namely, contemplation- the dialectic of the master has, I insist, been discredited in our eyesfor historical reasons that have to do with the period of history in which wefind ourselves. Those reasons are expressed in politics by the following formula:"There is no satisfaction for the individual outside of the satisfactionof all."
It is in such a context that analysis appears to be - without our being ableto explain why precisely it is the case in this context - and the analyst setshimself up to receive, a demand for happiness.
I have set out to show you this year the distance traveled since Aristotle,say, by choosing among some of the most crucial concepts. I wanted to makeyou feel the extent to which we approach these things differently, how far weare from any formulation of a discipline of happiness.