A charismatic and controversial figure, Lacan is o

发布时间:2019-04-06 17:06:10   来源:admin    
The Ethics of Psychoanalysis

{8x(c&{MYsh0A charismatic and controversial figure, is one the most important thinkers of the twentieth century and his work has revolutionised linguistics, philosophy, literature, psychology, cultural and media studies.
pu5C.{1x.VMH7{0  He gained his reputation as a lecturer, disseminating his ideas to audiences that included Jean-Paul Sartre and Luce Irigaray amongst other hugely influential names. The Ethics of Psychoanalysis is a transcript of his most important lecture series.心理学书籍 psychspace.com$o? PN"{ w
  Including influential readings of Sophocles’ Antigone and Elizabethan courtly love poetry in relation to female sexuality, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis remains a powerful and controversial work that is still argued over today by the likes of Judith Butler and Slavoj Zizek.


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作 者:Jacques Lacan 著
zfsl+_ F0出版社:Routledge2007-9-1心理学书籍 psychspace.com7}8Z1O L&s&^(tgn)J
ISBN:9780415423618心理学书籍 psychspace.com4OA$N6D1k*q
丛 书:Routledge Classics心理学书籍 psychspace.comilz`V/d6@D
定 价:132.00

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A charismatic and controversial figure, Lacan is one the most important thinkers of the twentieth century and his work has revolutionised linguistics, philosophy, literature, psychology, cultural and media studies.

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#jI5G7lXsS9vN0He gained his reputation as a lecturer, disseminating his ideas to audiences that included Jean-Paul Sartre and Luce Irigaray amongst other hugely influential names.The Ethics of Psychoanalysisis a transcript of his most important lecture series.心理学书籍 psychspace.com\/@'PD0F H#@

.R rj G)w(R0Including influential readings of Sophocles’Antigoneand Elizabethan courtly love poetry in relation to female sexuality,The Ethics of Psychoanalysisremains a powerful and controversial work that is still argued over today by the likes of Judith Butler and Slavoj Zizek.心理学书籍 psychspace.comx%gd(BnXl a

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