Freud 1913m [1911] 论精神分析

发布时间:2019-04-05 20:45:03   来源:admin    

1913m [1911] 论学空间s7E-i{;l7L
ON PSYCHO-ANALYSIS (XII ,207-11)空间9N|O/bQfJ;r+b(H
GW nachtr.,723-9

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In response to a friendly request by the Secretary of your Section of Neurology and Psychiatry, I venture to draw the attention of this Congress to the subject of psycho-analysis, which is being extensively studied at the present time in Europe and America.


AuR$L9^V#V+KDh a0在对您神经病和学部门秘书的友好请求的回应中,我试着引起这次大会对精神分析主题的注意,而精神分析如今正在欧洲和美洲受到广泛地研究。


Psycho-analysis is a remarkable combination, for it comprises not only a method of research into the neuroses but also a method of treatment based on the aetiology thus discovered. I may begin by saying that psycho-analysis is not a child of speculation, but the outcome of experience; and for that reason, like every new product of science, is unfinished. It is open to anyone to convince himself by his own investigations of the correctness of the theses embodied in it, and to help in the further development of the study.

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.m4^r{p9p1L C,O0精神分析是一种卓越的联合体,因为它既包含了从中发现的一种研究方法,还有一种基于由此发现的病因学的治疗方法。也许我通过说,精神分析不是一项孩子式的猜测,因此,它像每一个科学的新型产物一样是一种经验的结果,这是不够的。每个人都可以通过对蕴含在精神分析中的这些结果的正确性做自己的研究,从而来确信这个理论,同时这对研究的进一步发展也有帮助。

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Psycho-analysis started with researches into hysteria, but in the course of years it has extended far beyond that field of work. The Studies on Hysteria by Breuer and myself, published in 1895, were the beginnings of psycho-analysis. They followed in the track of Charcot’s work on ‘traumatic’ hysteria, Liébeault’s and Bernheim’s investigations of the phenomena of hypnosis, and Janet’s studies of unconscious mental processes. Psycho-analysis soon found itself in sharp opposition to Janet’s views, because (a) it declined to trace back hysteria directly to congenital hereditary degeneracy, (b) it offered, instead of a mere description, a dynamic explanation based on the interplay of psychical forces and (c) it ascribed the origin of psychical dissociation (whose importance had been recognized by Janet as well) not to a failure of mental synthesis resulting from a congenital disability, but to a special psychical process known as ‘repression’ (‘Verdrängung’).内蒙古心理网 X"PcP o{6W8D/f



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T l"on\4dV%m,r0It was conclusively proved that hysterical symptoms are residues (reminiscences) of profoundly moving experiences, which have been withdrawn from everyday consciousness, and that their form is determined (in a manner that excludes deliberate action) by details of the traumatic effects of the experiences. On this view, the therapeutic prospects lie in the possibility of getting rid of this ‘repression’, so as to allow part of the unconscious psychical material to become conscious and thus to deprive it of its pathogenic power. This view is a dynamic one, in so far as it regards psychical processes as displacements of psychical energy which can be gauged by the amount of their effect on the affective elements. This is most significant in hysteria, where the process of ‘conversion’ creates the symptoms by transforming a quantity of mental impulses into somatic innervations.内蒙古心理网8a)OI6r*S?*^n fkAw

a;e+\(M't T0这决定性地证明了歇斯底里的症状是一种十分生动的经验,这种经验已经从日常意识中撤回了,并且他们的形式是由创伤经历的细节决定的。(用一种逃避了有意行为的方式)。因此,治疗的目标就在于摆脱这种“压抑”,以便于让部分无意识精神材料成为意识的,如此来剥夺其病理力量。这是一种动力学的观点,至于它视精神过程为一种精神能量的移置,这种精神能量可以通过其对元素的影响力度来得到测量。这是歇斯底里症中最显著的特点,在癔症中,“转换”这种过程通过把一些精神冲动转化为躯体神经上,从而创造出了症状。 内蒙古心理网r }F l _

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M*fA#U6A){9e'G0The first psycho-analytic examinations and attempts at treatment were made with the help of hypnotism. Afterwards this was abandoned and the work was carried out by the method of ‘free association’, with the patient remaining in his normal state. This modification had the advantage of enabling the procedure to be applied to a far larger number of cases of hysteria, as well as to other neuroses and also to healthy people. The development of a special technique of interpretation became necessary, however, in order to draw conclusions from the expressed ideas of the person under investigation. These interpretations established with complete certainty the fact that psychical dissociations are maintained entirely by ‘internal resistances’. The conclusion seems justified, therefore, that the dissociations have originated owing to internal conflict, which has led to the ‘repression’ of the underlying impulse. To overcome this conflict and in that way to cure the neurosis, the guiding hand of a doctor trained in psycho-analysis is required.内蒙古心理网`kDaV!d|;Q#l

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y*}\A#] jOuY&pE0Furthermore, it has been shown to be true quite generally that in all neuroses the pathological symptoms are really the end-products of such conflicts, which have led to ‘repression’ and ‘splitting’ of the mind. The symptoms are generated by different mechanisms: (a) either as formations in substitution for the repressed forces, or (b) as compromises between the repressing and repressed forces, or (c) as reaction-formations and safeguards against the repressed forces.内蒙古心理网-o2H.Xw,{tF-N




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Researches were further extended to the conditions which determine whether or not psychical conflicts will lead to ‘repression’ (that is, to dissociation dynamically caused), since it goes without saying that a psychical conflict, per se, may also have a normal outcome. The conclusion arrived at by psycho-analysis was that such conflicts were always between the sexual instincts (using the word ‘sexual’ in the widest sense) and the wishes and trends of the remainder of the ego. In neuroses it is the sexual instincts that succumb to ‘repression’ and so constitute the most important basis for the genesis of symptoms, which may accordingly be regarded as substitutes for sexual satisfactions.内蒙古心理网:h!O!Q5[r }C



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Our work on the question of the disposition to neurotic affections has added the ‘infantile’ factor to the somatic and hereditary ones hitherto recognized. Psycho-analysis was obliged to trace back patients’ mental life to their early infancy, and the conclusion was reached that inhibitions of mental development (‘infantilisms’) present a disposition to neurosis. In particular, we have learnt from our investigations of sexual life that there really is such a thing as ‘infantile sexuality’, that the sexual instinct is made up of many components and passes through a complicated course of development, the final outcome of which, after many restrictions and transformations, is the ‘normal’ sexuality of adults. The puzzling perversions of the sexual instinct which occur in adults appear to be either inhibitions of development, fixations or lop-sided growths. Thus neuroses are the negative of perversions.内蒙古心理网)U(BK;Ir-EF

/X x/cx|X{0对于神经症情感倾向问题的工作,我们已经添加了“的”因素到那些迄今为止还被视为是躯体性的和遗传性的神经症情感。精神分析必须要追溯病人的心理生活直到他的早年婴儿期,而结论是心理发展(婴儿性的)的阻抑展现出了神经症倾向。我们尤其是从我们对于性生活的研究中发现,确实有一种“婴儿性欲”的东西,而性本能是有许多部分组成的,并且它贯穿于整个心理发展复杂过程,而它最终的结果在许多约束和转换之下就是“正常”的成人性欲。而发生在成人身上的性本能的那些令人疑惑的倒错似乎要么是发展受阻,发展固着,要么就是发展不平衡。如此神经症就是性倒错的消极形式。内蒙古心理网2f fKtI JGPZ



V7Y.u7Q2]h:\,e H:n{0The cultural development imposed on mankind is the factor which necessitates the restrictions and repressions of the sexual instinct, greater or lesser sacrifices being demanded according to the individual constitution. Development is hardly ever achieved smoothly, and disturbances may occur (whether on account of the individual constitution or of premature sexual incidents) leaving behind a disposition to future neuroses. Such dispositions may remain harmless if the adult’s life proceeds satisfactorily and quietly; but they become pathogenic if the conditions of mature life forbid satisfaction of the libido or make too high demands on its suppression.

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Researches into the sexual activity of children have led to a further conception of the sexual instinct, based not on its purposes but on its sources. The sexual instinct possesses in a high degree the capacity for being diverted from direct sexual aims and for being directed towards higher aims which are no longer sexual (‘sublimation’). The instinct is thus enabled to make most important contributions to the social and artistic achievements of humanity.8


Recognition of the simultaneous presence of the three factors of ‘infantilism’, ‘sexuality’ and ‘repression’ constitutes the main characteristic of the psycho-analytic theory, and marks its distinction from other views of pathological mental life. At the same time, psycho-analysis has demonstrated that there is no fundamental difference, but only one of degree, between the mental life of normal people, of neurotics and of psychotics. A normal person has to pass through the same repressions and has to struggle with the same substitutive structures; the only difference is that he deals with these events with less trouble and better success. The psycho-analytic method of investigation can accordingly be applied equally to the explanation of normal psychical phenomena, and has made it possible to discover the close relationship between pathological psychical products and normal structures such as dreams, the small blunders of everyday life, and such valuable phenomena as jokes, myths and imaginative works. The explanation of these has been carried furthest in the case of dreams, and has resulted here in the following general formula: ‘A dream is a disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish.’ The interpretation of dreams has as its object the removal of the disguise to which the dreamer’s thoughts have been subjected. It is, moreover, a highly valuable aid to psycho-analytic technique, for it constitutes the most convenient method of obtaining insight into unconscious psychical life.内蒙古心理网8OeFdzX"J1v5Pvq


对于性活动的研究导出了性本能这个概念,这不是基于性本能的目的,而是基于它的来源。性本能高度地拥有一种转移直接的性目标,而指向一些更高的,不再是“性的”(升华)目标上的能力。如此本能就能做出对人类社会和艺术成就最重要的贡献,对三个同时出现的因素——“婴儿性的”“性欲的”“压抑”的认识组成了精神分析理论的主要特点,而且这标定了精神分析与其他关于精神生活病理学观点的区别。同时精神分析已经论证了在正常人,神经症患者和精神病患者各自的精神生活之间没有根本的区别,而只有一种度上的不同。一个正常人也必须穿越同样的压抑,也必须与那些替代性的结构做斗争,唯一的区别在于他们能更成功地处理这些事件,造成的麻烦更少。精神分析的研究方法因此也可以同等地应用于解释正常心理现象,并且它可以发现那些精神病理产物与普通的结构之间的紧密,这些普通结构包括梦,日常生活的小过失,一些像玩笑,神话和有想象性的工作类似的有意义的现象。在这些现象里面,解释运用地最深入的是在梦例当中,结果就是产生了下文中的一个普遍性公式:“一个梦就是对一个压抑愿望伪装的满足。”对梦的解释的对象就是要解除那些持续影响着梦者思想的伪装。更多的时候,它是对精神分析技术的一种高度价值的协助,因为它提供了一种能洞察无意识精神生活的最方便的方法。内蒙古心理网$y;\:}(Q.F*Mx/I H


oAX&} F.}0There is often a tendency in medical and especially in psychiatric circles to contradict the theories of psycho-analysis without any real study or practical application of them. This is due not only to the striking novelty of these theories and the contrast they present to the views hitherto held by psychiatrists, but also to the fact that the premisses and technique of psycho-analysis are much more nearly related to the field of psychology than to that of medicine. It cannot be disputed, however, that purely medical and non-psychological teachings have hitherto done very little towards an understanding of mental life. The progress of psycho-analysis is further retarded by the dread felt by the average observer of seeing himself in his own mirror. Men of science tend to meet emotional resistances with arguments, and thus satisfy themselves to their own satisfaction! Whoever wishes not to ignore a truth will do well to distrust his antipathies, and, if he wishes to submit the theory of psycho-analysis to a critical examination, let him first analyse himself.


@`dZA VNz*TC0在医学尤其是精神病学领域有一种普遍否定精神分析理论的倾向,而且这种否认是在没有任何研究和对精神分析的实际应用的情况下的。这不仅是因为这些理论的惊人的新颖性和他们反对精神病学如今的那些观点,也是由于精神分析的前提和技术更多接近心理学的领域而不是医学领域。然而,纯粹的医学和无心理学的技术如今对于理解精神生活已经没有多大用处,这是毋庸置疑的。精神分析进步是被那种恐惧进一步延迟的,这种恐惧就是那些一般研究者在他们自己的镜子中看到自己所感受到的。科学人士倾向于用的阻抗来面对争论,如此就可以用他们自己的满足来满足他们自己。不论是谁希望能不忽视真相,那么就要反对他自身对精神分析的厌恶,而且如果他想让精神分析得到批评性的检验,那么首先分析他自己。内蒙古心理网t,\#aN;~b^N0O


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I cannot think that in these few sentences I have succeeded in painting a clear picture of the principles and purposes of psycho-analysis. But I will add a list of the chief publications on the subject, a study of which will give further enlightenment to any whom I may have interested.


4V3vQ q0O Ws0我不认为这简短的几句话就能成功地描绘出精神分析的原则和目的的清晰图像。但是我将要列举一个关于这个主题的书单,对于这些书单的研究将能提供给那些我也许有兴趣的人士更深的启迪。内蒙古心理网S#i*K0nh,y

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1. Breuer and Freud, Studies on Hysteria, 1895. Fr. Deuticke, Vienna.A portion of the above has been translated into English in ‘Selected Papers on Hysteria and other Psycho-neuroses’, by Dr. A. A. Brill, New York, 1909.内蒙古心理网c*G At2L Ol9^D6R

id1_d1AqX`02. Freud, Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie, Vienna, 1905.内蒙古心理网vQ$i aIL;b;M

x7MI!~Rh}0English translation by Dr. Brill, ‘Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory’, New York, 1910.


CU Ka.Pu+G4@~I03. Freud, Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens, S. Karger, Berlin. 3rd edition, 1910.

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4. Freud, Die Traumdeutung, Vienna, 1900. 3rd ed., 1911.内蒙古心理网+xm}&l*F

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5. Freud, ‘The Origin and Development of Psycho-analysis’,Amer. Jour. of Psychology, April, 1910. Also in German:Ueber Psychoanalyse. Five Lectures given at the Clark University, Worcester, Mass, 1909.内蒙古心理网YS,Ra%} uNvj

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6. Freud, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten, Vienna, 1905.内蒙古心理网fd Ao@$M"^|

n!te0lj^'y s2r07. Freud, Collection of minor papers on the Doctrine of Neuroses,3-1906. Vienna,1906.

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8. Idem. A second collection. Vienna, 1909.内蒙古心理网OiD.ftu-NNt

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9. Hitschmann, Freud’s Neurosenlehre, Vienna, 1911.

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EY)J1~C-N1Tx010. C. G. Jung, Diagnostische Associationsstudien. Two volumes, 1906-1910.内蒙古心理网,k2q)b:q$^O

X3dH#lE,y9{011. C. G. Jung, über die psychologie der Dementia Praecox, 1907.内蒙古心理网V;["{(n p;e

mt g0^sS012. Jahrbuch für psycho-analytische und psychopathologische Forschungen,published by E. Bleuler and S. Freud, edited by Jung. Since 1909.内蒙古心理网s Cv:Z!U0a4d

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13. Schriften zur angewandten Seelenkunde. Fr. Deuticke, Vienna.Since 1907. Eleven parts, by Freud, Jung, Abraham, Pfister, Rank, Jones, Riklin, Graf, Sadger.内蒙古心理网 Xd GqC;J

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14. Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse.Edited by A. Adler and W Stekel. J. Bergmann, Wiesbaden. Since Sept., 1910.
