Oedipus Complex

发布时间:2019-04-06 09:46:20   来源:admin    


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In the Oedipus complex, a boy is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention.内蒙古心理网`h6G|H@'c#RM#~

K+| WT^0\A}|0The opposite, the attraction of a girl to her father and rivalry with her mother, is sometimes called the Electra complex.内蒙古心理网%EzhDu

Sexual awakening


At some point, the child realizes that there is a difference between their mother and their father. Around the same time they realize that they are more alike to one than the other. Thus the child acquires gender.


.~)d+P ]H/GbLkc4X0The child may also form some kind of erotic to the parent of the opposite sex. Whilst their understanding of the full sexual act may be questioned, some kind of primitive physical sensations are felt when they regard and think about the parent in question.内蒙古心理网$HN#kC#Yhej} ^



The primitive desire for the one parent may also awaken in the child a jealous motivation to exclude the other parent.内蒙古心理网#e8Q.s!gT n8~*k


Transferring of affections may also occur as the child seeks to become independent and escape a perceived 'engulfing mother'.内蒙古心理网6U'J N;j6p

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A critical point of awakening is where the child realizes that the mother has affections for others besides itself.


{*j/_F _Y A y y#u0Primitive jealousies are not necessarily constrained to the child and and both parents may join in the game, both in terms of competing with each other for the child's affections and also competing with the child for the affection of the other parent.内蒙古心理网j0SdJkJ;g;^/]

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Note that opposition to parents may not necessarily be sexually based -- this can also be a part of the struggle to assert one's identity and rebellion against parental control.

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The process of transitioning

rm1o x x-n[4D0A critical aspect of the Oedipal stage is loosening of the ties to the mother of vulnerability, dependence and intimacy. This is a natural part of the child becoming more independent and is facilitated by the realization that the mother desires more than just the child.内蒙古心理网9{7u]T;XA{~g y~f

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The Oedipal move blocks the routes of sexual andlove back to the mother. She becomes a separate object, removed from his ideal self. Thus shecanbe the subject of object love.内蒙古心理网o~!y)L;RQ

tT(yW&R;a0This separation and externalization of love allows a transition away fromof earlier stages.

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The father's role in this is much debated. In a number of accounts, such as, the child transitions their attentions from mother to father.内蒙古心理网'u0B2l@?H

0Mgxt)p3le"dq0The father effectively says 'You must be like me -- you may not be like the mother -- you must wait to love her, as I do.' The child thus also learns to wait and share attention.




The boy thus returns to the mother as a separate individual. That separation may be emphasized with scorn and a sense of mastery over women. that can also be seen in the long separation of boys and girls in play and social relationships. This is a source of male denigration of women.


w,A0M&L6I4w U(s0Women become separated reminders of lost and forbidden unity. Their unique attributes, from softness to general femininity are, in consequence, also lost and must be given up as a part of the distancing process. Women become thus both desired and feared. The symbolicbecomes a means of protection for the boy and the rituals of mastery used to cover up feelings of loss.内蒙古心理网\Z1{+}C)eIt

T/mz#@^5j0Separation leads to unavailability and hence thetakes effect, increasing. Women thus create a tension in boys between a lost paradise and dangerous sirens.

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Excessive separation leads to a sense of helplessness that can in turn lead to patterns of idealized control and self-sufficiency.

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9]U#gx.X9e`H0Whilst the boy becomes separated from the mother, it is a long time before he can be independent of her and hence must develop a working relationship that may reflect the tension of love and difference he feels.内蒙古心理网g\o v$w kjk4t

.j9Bw)p"E"f VY!v0The relationship thus may return to a closer mother-son tie, where the point of healthy distance is a dynamically negotiated position, such that comforting is available but is required only upon occasion.内蒙古心理网Y+WX|(f @.l

What about the girls?

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Most writings about the Oedipal stage focus largely or exclusively on boys, who are seen to have a particular problem as they start with an attachment to the Mother that they have to relinquish both from the point of view of individual independence and especially as a result of the social incest taboo which forbids excessively-close in-family relationships.内蒙古心理网M/l/j(ko


The Electra complex, identified by Carl Jung, occurs where a triangle of mother-father-daughter plays out is not a part of traditional psychoanalysis. It is neither a direct mirror image of Oedipus, as the start position is female-female connection.

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Jung suggested that when the girl discovers she lacks penis that her father possesses, she imagines she will gain one if he makes her pregnant, and so moves emotionally closer to him. She thus resents her mother who she believe castrated her.内蒙古心理网3|!IFq|C0v)i f:N

tO*Z1@.?Y5s0T+|-P0The father symbolizes attractive power and a potentially hazardous male-female relationship is formed, with predictable jealousies and envy as the mother completes the triangle. The dangers of incestuous abuse add, and perhaps develop, the female position of siren temptation.


7])BE s7H1z2s lFC0Girls, as well as boys, need to find independence and their separation from the mother is a matter of creating a separate femininity. This is not as strong a separation as boys and girls can sustain a closer female-female relationships with the mothers. This perhaps explains something of why relationships with others is a more important part of a female life than it is for a male.内蒙古心理网9m8`g2C8j

Jp"b*O(dUd#^*l @4t0The father does provide a haven from female-female jealousies, and so a healthy father-daughter relationship may be built, that also includes appropriate distance. As with mother-son, once the incest taboos are established, a uniquely satisfying opposite-sex relationship can be built, although secret desires for the father can result in the girl feeling some guilt about the relationship.



UIr?9{.D0There are three common threads in the Oedipus complex: The primacy of the desire for one-ness, the maternal embodiment of this and the necessity of paternal intervention.内蒙古心理网 hy;bg"^6a

Historical Oedipus


In the Greek play by Sophocles, Laius, king of Thebes, is told by an oracle that he would be killed by his son and so leaves Oedipus out on the mountainside to die. Oedipus is rescued by a shepherd and taken to the king of Corinth who raises him as a son.

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Oedipus, in turn, is told by the Delphic oracle that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified by this, he flees Corinth. At a crossroads he meets Laius, quarrels and kills him. At Thebes, he correctly answers the sphinx's question and hence wins the hand of Jocasta, his real mother, with whom he had two sons and two daughters. When at last the truth comes out, Jocasta hangs herself and Oedipus, finding her, blinds himself with her golden brooch.


Electra was the daughter of Agamemnon who helped plan the murder of her mother.


%h2lT"`S3d`I0puts the Oedipal stage as occurring between 3-5 years. He considers it a stage where the child experiences an erotic attachment to one parent and hostility toward the other parent. The ensuing triangular tension is seen as being the root of most mental disorders.


h4g jF(|0Freud cites the incest taboo as as at the root of many other prohibitions. He sees the struggle against this as a core part of this development period with transgressions in practice and phantasy.


'We cannot get away from the assumption that man's sense of guilt springs from the Oedipus complex and was acquired at the killing of the father by the brothers banned together'. (Freud, 1930)


Freud links the Oedipus complex with development the superego, which uses guilt to prevent continuation of incestuously oriented relationships.

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P}iG'h Z'K2z%D:[J0Failure to get past this trigger point and into the symbolic order is considered to be a classic cause of lasting neurosis.



G.V9@*Ct0For, the mother is characterized by 'lack' of a phallus. The pre-Oedipal child tries to make good the lack. But the mother desires the phallus that will cover over her division in language. The child then realizes its own lack, or 'castration' and seeks to speak or use words such that it can stand in for that which is missing.内蒙古心理网:yf"Bn2X3^ O,j


The child can hence either speak itself from the position of 'having the phallus' or lacking it. Having a penis, boys are more likely to take the former position. However, taking this position requires living up to the god-like status of having the phallus.内蒙古心理网tS#_Gt_


Note that Lacan considered that the Oedipal stage can be successfully navigated without the father, as long as cultural norms and prohibitions can be met, as it is these, rather than the father himself which facilitates the way through

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Ds JP%O^0Jacqueline Rose uses Lacan to show how sexual identity is acquired through the Oedipus crisis, rather than being something innate.

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