Nathan M. Szajnberg CV

发布时间:2019-04-06 15:40:05   来源:admin    

Nathan M. Szajnberg, MD, Clinical Professor, UCSF, Wallerstein Research Fellow in Psychoanalysis
_[m,_)[,Vs?2n@0Preventive Psychiatry Associates Medical Group, Inc.内蒙古心理网T7_-bQ;P0Q7{K3Ay
2105 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, CA., 94115
j3W_;}zo0Phone (415) 292-7119内蒙古心理网%F s~/` } sk{7_s

Y6j/p0{.C0Education内蒙古心理网'Xa-J*c N JTv
内蒙古心理网M;meX"a6Q k0Qc
University of Chicago, B.A., Biology 1974
8w:FTk8Vs7B0University of Chicago, M.D. 1974
?0_|ry q"u|0University of Chicago, Pediatrics Resident, 1974-1975内蒙古心理网'T'vkF:?7y,h
Michael Reese Hospital, Residency in General Psychiatry 1975-1977
ZT]+P-VbG&cU$U0Michael Reese Hospital, Residency in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1977-1979
$wKX:Kk?U4b/w5L0Advanced training in hypnosis and attachment issues 1992-1995
7w-V.T1_[nX0Graduate, St. Louis and San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institutes 1999
xk5d:M A[4y)H3w0Certification
4nALd9JV0American Psychoanalytic Association 2000内蒙古心理网7j9t.D+i D:g4V
Private Practice 1979-present
Yx-a}2K#S0Academic Appointments
6I2gp2vCS0Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Cornell University Medical College 1981-1985
bd:@ OgBc0Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut 1985-1987
H;Zsh#F#[~0Associate Clinical Professor, University of Connecticut Health Center 1987-1991内蒙古心理网'kq&wXd.H%s*Dc
Associate Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin 1992-1995
9H1vKfr~1i tA0Clinical Professor II, University of California 1996-Present
C$O)_4Er0San Francisco, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute
D+P1_&]T-um a;Dq`0Honors and Awards
R P}'k-@|,h:G)m9Qh2u0National Institute of Mental Health, Research Fellow, Adolescent Psychiatry 1977-8内蒙古心理网AQr(r7v,~?%_3g&D
National Institute of Mental Health, Faculty Career Development Grant, Infant Psychiatry 1983-4
:`n{:G)x$H0American Cancer Society Grant Award 1988-1989内蒙古心理网u}fhW
Pediatric Gastroenterology Research Fund Award 1989-1990内蒙古心理网M4kV7|6g'OX4mA
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation 1994-1996
{t F\Q&izDM'v[g0Firefighter's Fund of UCSF 1998 International Psychoanalytic Association 1998-2000内蒙古心理网x)SW1RH&o)Y
Windholz Fund of the SF Psa Institute 1999
3MG$F2Q"YDOR L D0Memberships内蒙古心理网{Yd"T"_-F)c
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
^bO y'}0u"O5?0American Psychoanalytic Association内蒙古心理网;N Nf5E-EI#q*K
Invited Lectureships (selections)
]DmJ"Uo/y0University of Chicago, Bruno Bettelheim and American Psychoanalysis. 1986内蒙古心理网 a\!HFb/i.x^
Visiting Professor, University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia 1988内蒙古心理网:x@4~@1|2lEv
The Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik, Yugoslovia, 1989
I:Fb}&_!ld0Visiting Professor, University of Zagreb Medical School, Yugoslavia 1988
+oo+x1fS+u0N.Y. Medical College, "Attachment and Relationship Disturbances in IBD." 1991
1WAcyB0St. Louis University Medical Center, "Bruno Bettelheim: Reconciling Inner and Outer Man." 1992
+{3Y5yP m Emj0Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting, "Integration of Child Psychiatry Into State Mental Health Systems." 1993内蒙古心理网+MdM,rLH%YR G
University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Bruno Bettelheim: Reconciling Inner and Outer Man." 1993
[^&^vv0Jewish Community Center, "Holocaust: Lessons for the Living." 1993 Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, with T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., "Building Community Around Families," Italian Community Center 1993内蒙古心理网5U+d ?)A9y mlX5r @1`
International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, Association for Child Psychoanalysis Symposium, San Francisco, California; Understanding Trauma in Children and Adolescents 1994
3A%k Ln$M-I,@ I0Visiting Professor, University of Oulu, and Finnish Academy of Sciences, Finland 1994 & 1995
f8fX H"h.LW2K-f F0Medical College of Virginia, Visiting Professor 1998-99
%M%z'^ h:dWS(}`@0St. Louis Psychoanalytic Society: Leonard Bernstein, Creativity and the Implications for Psychoanalytic Listening 1998内蒙古心理网&j}bdl6^d"q
8O eAmpJ!p0内蒙古心理网{4IKSx$Du!Rnf&o
State of California (G 41019)
k t#H%V N2cXE!U3h0
K{z;T{?~[0Board Certification General Psychiatry 1979 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1981 Certification, Psychoanalysis: 2000
6Mp\x)|"H.cc0Publications内蒙古心理网-nQ T.^&E7YS2Q

u y:J:j F ^ Q3E]01. Szajnberg, N. and Diamond, S. (1980). Migraine Headache, Biofeedback and New Symptom Formation. Headache, 20:1, 29-31.
@T1t I{02. Szajnberg, N. (1983). Visual Maturation and Part-Object Mental Representations in the First Half-Year of Life. Infant Mental Health Journal, 4:2, 83-94.内蒙古心理网 vsfF%|ZF,r
3. Szajnberg, N. (1985). Staff Countertransference in the Therapeutic Milieu: Creating an Average Expectable Environment. The British Journal of Medical Psychology, 58:331-336.
?$I0}l criw04. Szajnberg, N. (1986). An Empty Memory: A Defect in Evocative Memory Treated by Psychotherapy. Dynamic Psychotherapy, 3:2, 171-181.内蒙古心理网S OJ0g"r8YDo
5. Szajnberg, N. (1986). Ubertragung, Metaphor and Transference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 11:53-69.内蒙古心理网"] er2v+\;|Sx
6. Szajnberg, N. (1986). Medical Students' Attitudes Towards Child Psychiatry: The Impact of a Third-Year Required Rotation. Journal of Psychiatric Education, 10:1, 5-14.内蒙古心理网#QNo/P@M%Ib
7. Szajnberg, N., Ward, M.J., Kessler, D., and Krauss. A. (1987). Low Birth-Weight Premature Infants: Preventive Intervention and Maternal Attitude. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 17:3, 152-165.内蒙古心理网;j h K5t {4C
8. Szajnberg, N. (1987). The Milieu Therapist: Toward a Theory of Action. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 5:2, 51-57.
!LC0P t"I!~wW#Q_09. Szajnberg, N. and Weiner, A. (1988). Children's Conceptualization of Their Own Psychiatric Illness and Hospitalization. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 20:2, 87-97.
6`3m0l xBy'q*D010. *Szajnberg, N., Skrinjaric, J., and Moore, A. (1989). Affect Attunement, Attachment, Temperament and Zygosity: A Twin Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 28:2, 249-253.内蒙古心理网'^ i~|C@
11. Szajnberg, N. (1989). The Developmental Continuum from Secrecy to Privacy in a Psychodynamic Milieu. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 6:2, 9-27.
'Q2zw&k }Z1b8\VBv012. Szajnberg, N. and Skrinjaric, J. (1989). Family Discord in Childhood Cancer. Arh. zast, majke and djeteta, 5-12.内蒙古心理网`xDk6z+If
13. Szajnberg, N. (1989). Inpatient Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training: A Panel Report. Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Newsletter, 1-3.内蒙古心理网;q7_#R%i B@#HtEF!S
14. Szajnberg, N., Zalnairitis, E., Altman, Al, Weisman, S., Andrulonis, P. (1989). Anorexia Nervosa in a Child with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Remission. Clinical Pediatrics, 28:12, 561-567.内蒙古心理网 ^+v;F VK"Px'm
15. Szajnberg, N. (1992). Psychoanalysis as an Extension of Autobiographical Genre: Poetry and Truth, Fiction and Reality. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 19:3, 375-87.内蒙古心理网"z DeZQ~h
16. *Szajnberg, N., Krall, V., Davis, P., Treem, W., and Hyams, J. (1993). Psychopathology and Relationship Measures in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Their Parents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 23:3, 215-232.内蒙古心理网"{ a,wr2lTQ KqS
17. Szajnberg, N. (1993). The Recovery of a Repressed Traumatic Memory and Subsequent Representational Shift in an Adolescent's Analysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 41:3, 711-727.内蒙古心理网JSY*Rq$A![/wT({ H
18. Rusakow, L., Gershan, W., Bulto, M., and Szajnberg, N. (1993). Munchausen's Syndrome Presenting as Cystic Fibrosis with Hemoptysis. Pediatric Pulmonology, Vol. 16:326-329.
;izEe}sX5U019. Szajnberg, N. (1994). Mobius Syndrome: Alternatives in Affective Communication. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 36, 459-462.内蒙古心理网VYm,x t s%g
20. Szajnberg, N. (1994). Bruno Bettelheim: Culture in Man, Man in Culture and a Language for Both. Psychoanalytic Review, 81(3): 491-507.内蒙古心理网 xr a+kW$`^H
21. *Skrinjaric, J., Szajnberg, N., Vidovic, V., DeZan, D. (1994). Mothers' Perceptions of Infant Affect in a Croatian Sample: The IFEEL Pictures Assessment. Infant Mental Health Journal, Vol. 15(4):328-335.内蒙古心理网+d"^!B J/|:`8G4r)B(H
22. Szajnberg, N. and Altman, A. (1994). Consultation-Liaison and General Systems Theory. International Pediatrics, Vol. 4:39-45.内蒙古心理网_fD,DMft
23. Szajnberg, N., Altman, A., Weisman, S., and Quinn, J. (1995). Physician/Nurse Attitudes and Treatment Adherence/Compliance in Children with Cancer: A Pilot Study and New Instrument. Psycho-Oncology, Vol. 4:47-53.
F9c LD5{5}yeV'h:Q024. Krall, V., Szajnberg, N., Hyams, J., Treem, W. and Davis, P. (1995). Projective Personality Tests of Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1995, Vol. 80: 1341-1342.
4o#C;}J-j025. *Kozaric-Kovacic, D., Folnegovic-Smalc, V., Skrinjaric, J., Szajnberg, N., and Marusic, A. (1995). Rape, Torture, and Traumatization of Bosnian and Croatian Women: Psychological Sequelae. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 65(3):428-33.内蒙古心理网jrC`J.Y-P/n!H2]O
26. Szajnberg, N. and Weiner, A. (1996). Children's Concepts of Psychiatric Treatment and Cure. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 26: 4, 247-254.
T3H*G3JCf W1|w027. Szajnberg, N. (1996). Towards a Conceptual Alliance about Therapeutic Alliance: a Voyage Through the Inferno, J. Am Acad. of Psa. 24:1, 95-113.内蒙古心理网Z Qc+z5gD
28. *Szajnberg, N. and Crittenden, C. (1997). The Transference Refracted Through the Lens of Attachment., J. Am Acad. of Psa.25: 3, 409-438
1?{(j$f${ `:KA?zz029. Massie, H. and Szajnberg, N.M. (1997) The Ontogeny of a Fetish from Birth to Age 30 and Memory Processes: A Research Case Report From a Prospective Longitudinal Study. International J. of Psychoanalysis.78: 755-771.内蒙古心理网V'Y&~.Hf9q(N#o&R
30. Szajnberg, N. (1997) The Aesthetic Aspects of Psychoanalysis. J. Am. Acad. of Psa. 25 (2), 189-210.内蒙古心理网$xQE_z7V)EL
31. Massie, H. and Szajnberg, N. (2000). The evolution of Six Hyperactive Children from Birth to Age Thirty: A Psychoanalytic Study of Troubled Attachment and Transformation of Symptoms." Perspectives Psychiatriques, 2000.
:NbyE rq zH032. Hiltunen, P. Moilanen, I., Szajnberg, N., Gardner, N. (1999). The IFEEL Pictures: Transcultural aspects of importing a new method. Nord. J. Psychiatry, Vol 53, N. 3, 231-235.
V8CP d+k!x5FW033. Hiltunen, P., Jokelainen, J., Szajnberg, N., Moilanen, I., (2001). Seasonal variation in postnatal depression: sunlight as a protective factor. Journal of Affective Disorders (pending).内蒙古心理网T:I [k(E%f]
34. Szajnberg, N. Elliot, M., Ridgeway, D., and Waters, E. (2000), Maternal Attachment Disturbance as an Etiological Factor in Chlidhood Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a Model for Psychosomaticity. In preparation
'D!I/kiM1z035. *Contributions to Significant Publications (highlighted on CV)
1[ g8R r&Ju0BOOKS内蒙古心理网R Z%F uzFo z1K
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1. Szajnberg, N. (Ed.): Educating the Emotions: Bruno Bettelheim and Psychoanalytic Development, Plenum Publishing, New York, 1992.内蒙古心理网 sHJO1aTrQ,`
2. Massie, H. and Szajnberg, N.M. (2001): Lives across time: a Thirty Year Prospective Study.
1h }Z+Q'J.Oy9?%b0Chapters and Reviews内蒙古心理网s(G0El+mmo8o#ut'SH:r
1. Szajnberg, N. (1985). The Growing Edge of Development: The Developmental Process and Its Implications for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. In: Eds. G. Lubin and N.K. Poulsen, Piagetian Theory and Its Implications for Mental Health, California: USC Press, 76-77.内蒙古心理网s*b h3mf$v5[
2. Szajnberg, N. (1991). Play Therapy Primer: Therapeutic Approaches to Children with Emotional Problems, by V. Krall. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 30:5, p 857.
3JGE.BSkc03. Szajnberg, N. and Skrinjaric, J. (1993). Perceptions of Infant Affect in Premature Mothers: The I-FEEL Assessment. In: The I-FEEL Pictures: A New Instrument for Interpreting Emotions, eds. R. Emde, J. Osofsky, P. Butterfield. National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, Madison, CA: International Universities Press.内蒙古心理网1B ~3}?|(gs+KO
4. Szajnberg, N. (1993). The IFEEL Pictures as a Projective Instrument: Pre- and Full-Term Mothers. In: The IFEEL Pictures: A New Instrument for Interpreting Emotions Eds. R. Emde, J. Osofsky, P. Butterfield. National Center for Clinical and Infant Programs, Madison, CA: International Universities Press.内蒙古心理网:g J T ?4Ri0E)jM8T
5. Szajnberg, N. (1993). Recruitment of Residents into Psychiatry: Implications for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Newsletter, March, Vol. 2, 7-8.内蒙古心理网U'b:s1XP w6Ah4S_
6. Krener, P., Szajnberg, N. (1993). Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Program Summary of the Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 1993. Mutual Aid--Planning for the Future in a Time of Transition. Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Newsletter, October, Vol. 2, 2-7.内蒙古心理网3W{$RZ"`*Anu#Tv!qp
7. Radford, P. and Szajnberg, N. (1995). Understanding Trauma in Childhood and Adolescence: What Do We Mean When We Say That A Child Has Been Traumatized? Presentation at the biennial meeting of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions and co-sponsored by the Association for Child Analysis. Association for Child Psychoanalysis Newsletter, June, 1995: 22-24.内蒙古心理网)A\2iE(t/Yd!D
Abstracts内蒙古心理网/ZIo4`p7o L
1. Szajnberg, N. (1983). The Growing Edge of Development: Parallels Between Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development and Winnicott's Theory of Emotional Development. In J. Call, E. Galenson, R. Tyson Frontiers of Infant Psychiatry.
6])lkcSe02. Szajnberg, N. (1983). Visual Maturation and Part Object Mental Representations in the First One-Half Year of Life. In J. Call, E. Galenson, R. Tyson Frontiers of Infant Psychiatry.
c]h~0c C#Ib03. Szajnberg, N., Ward, M.J., Krauss, A., Kessler, D. (1985). Severely Ill Premature Infants' Mothers' Attitudes. In Behavioral Science, Vol. 19:121A.
(}XJS|"\!X04. Ginsburg, B., Szajnberg, N., Buck. R. (1989). The Primacy of Affect in Modulating Phenotypic Expression in Social Systems. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association. In Behavior Genetics, 19:758.
s!['tX0b~05. Ginsburg, B., Szajnberg, N., Buck, R., Dancer, S. (1993). Is Temperament Embedded in Attunement? Presented at Conference on Scalogram Analysis, Prague, Czech Republic, 1993.
kW v@ K06. Trentadue, N., Davies, W., Troshynski, T., McNeely, and Szajnberg, N. (1994). First Year Experience of a Multidisciplinary Pediatric Chronic Pain Program. To be presented at the Third International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, entitled "Children and Pain: Integrating Science and Care" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in June, 1994.内蒙古心理网$` j1Yh3v#p ~[1m
7. Frisbie, K., Combs, L., Davies, W., Rusy, L., Troshynski, T., Szajnberg, N., and Trentadue, N. (1995). Affective Functioning and Self-Esteem in Pediatric Pain Disorder: Objective and Projective Measures. Fifth Florida Conference on Child Health Psychology, April 20-22, 1995, Gainesville.
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Letters to the Editor内蒙古心理网s5m+ny"[#Em$H3U
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1. Szajnberg, N. (1983). Critique: Anorexia Following Use of Extension Brace. Psychosomatics, 4:6, 493-494.内蒙古心理网3RShl)D Kw)]4U0c.?Ip
2. Szajnberg, N., Zalnairitis, E., Zemel, L. (1987). Unilateral Raynaud's Symptoms Evoked During Dream Report. Lancet: 8562, Oct. 3, p. 802.内蒙古心理网Z Xhsg
3. Szajnberg, N. (1994). Medical Student Attitudes Toward Child Psychiatry. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 33:1, p. 145.内蒙古心理网 it?rMfL M2g M
Research Interests内蒙古心理网D}&A.Fw!lY,rh
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REGRESSED, CHARACTER DISORDERED PATIENTS IN INSTITUTIONAL AND OUTPATIENT TREATMENT. (1980-1986). Clinical studies of mental representation, memory deficits, and feelings evoked in the caretakers of character disordered patients. My NIMH Adolescent Clinical Research Grant permitted exploration of psychosomatic symptoms (ref. 1).内蒙古心理网L ?6ZBs#o+Qq

ub;D W[0EARLY AFFECT COMMUNICATION AND ATTACHMENT. (1987-Present). Work with severely disturbed adolescents and young adults moved me to examine early affective relationships. My NIMH Faculty Development Grant (1983-1984) permitted this shift. I demonstrated that when premature infants' mothers observe a neurobehavioural exam, this improved both maternal attitude and infant development at 12 months (ref. 7). I shifted to studying the relationship between genotypic expression of temperament and environmental variables (attachment and attunement), demonstrating that while the latter two were independent constructs, genotypic expression of temperament was influenced by maternal attachment. Statistically, we used Guttman's Partial Order Scalogram Analysis, an innovative complement to Fischer statistics, permitting data analysis for small samples with complex variables.内蒙古心理网%t8ar[0yK
内蒙古心理网 Q.k3[8^)Ec
While studying pre-term infants (ref. 7),Robert Emde asked me to use a new instrument to assess the context-dependency of maternal affect inference. The resulting two chapters (ref. 3 and 4 under chapters) demonstrated that preterm mothers experience prematurity, shifting affect inference on several categories of affects and that mothers articulated projective stories with more uncertainty and sadness. My study of pre-war Croatia, demonstrated cultural influence on maternal affect inference in full-term mothers. I then examined post-war mothers in Croatia, and cultural differences in Finnish twin and singleton mothers.
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_[j u)mht0ATTACHMENT IN SPECIAL POPULATIONS (1993-Present). Using new measures (Q-Sort and Adult Attachment Interview), I explore the significance of attachment in various special populations. a) twins study in Finland, to test whether maternal and child attachment are environmental regulators of genotypic expression of temperament. b) peri-pubertal children with a psychosomatic versus somatic illnesses. c) a thirty year follow-up of a normative sample of infants from the Brody longitudinal study. Our attachment measures permitted us to assess young adult outcome, and, retrospectively re-analyze earlier data with contemporary measures
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i YgY{(T'T1Vc0CLINICAL AND PSYCHOANALYTIC EXPLORATIONS. (1986-Present). Throughout my career, I have published on clinical issues ranging from psychotherapy technique with adolescents, trauma in Bosnian women, to mourning and psychoanalysis ( ref.'s 4,9,15,17,25).内蒙古心理网kv;Q7w~Fc1Pl:g3F
DEVELOPMENT THROUGH ADULTHOOD: Intervening factors affecting developmental coherence. (1990-present). This extends my interest in pathways in early development. Our thirty year study permits us to explore the intervening factors and societal impact on development. We usie Erikson's framework of concordance of polar tensions at various stags of development to conceptualize this cohort and will explore the transition from Adolescence to young adulthood in Israeli cohorts to examine the impact of educational, child-rearing and societal contributions to developmental pathways.内蒙古心理网 u-p0c^4T?M
