www.nmgpsy.com内蒙古心理网 几乎所有人在生活中的某个时期都会感受过焦虑或抑郁。这有许多原因:
学空间6N\?*VGrs+c内蒙古心理网5dZbd6Lnm gUP 半个世纪前,师,心理学家约翰•波尔比出理论来解释这些复杂的现象。这个理论后来被大量心理学家广泛研究并得以拓展。波尔比认识到,
roH L0内蒙古心理网t5vuUf^-e*r 虽然人人都在孩童时代得到某些保护——要是没有,我们根本无法活到成年——现实地说,我们的依恋对象并不是始终如一可靠安全的。关于这一点,我以为华
s0内蒙古心理网8tTO7gNaO “丧失”是一种人类普遍的经验。所丧失之物可以是我们亲爱的人,完整的家,工作以及相伴生的一种有价值之感。应对丧失的方式部分地取决于我们的依恋模
bv*gN#@ X内蒙古心理网^.~)v
nky_ 对丧失或丧失的威胁的反应方式之一是生气与抗议。同样,如果我们是不安全依恋的,我们也许不能表达适当的气愤,或在情境要求我们这样做时无法理直气壮表达我们的需求。我们要么在狂怒中爆炸,要么封锁我们的情绪,把生气转向我们自己,这就导致了抑郁症。
w5H2xj0r \K07zfT
? qJ0 作为成年人,我们并非不再有对安全基础的需要了——我们仍然需要在困难时有人支持,救援, 需要有人可以倾听我们。同时我们需要在自己身上找到安全基础 ——
Rx内蒙古心理网;WU6f K[.En zd5J#xsJ 理论上,一切应该如此。而实际上,人际关系却并非总是那么有益。他人可以是让我们失望的,恶待我们的,忽略我们的,自私的;当我们需要的时候,他们不
我们有着一系列的由外部经验与内在预期混合打造而成的按钮,他们随时将被触发, 接下来演同样的戏。
内蒙古心理网^)_.iw?(`y内蒙古心理网7TK&y#?"Et7BS.? 最后,人们在这个方面差距甚大:一种谈论自己和自己的感受的能力。有人不惜代价保持沉默,有人则滔滔不绝不管别人是否在听。而研究表明,是否能反思我
`c~E+L,` Y8V0 这种能力在心理学上叫自传能力(autobiographical competence)或反思功能(reflexive
的反思功能恰具一种灵活,宽广,生动,敏锐的思维特质,钻牛角尖说明你一个人再自言自语下去也弄不出什么名堂了,需要另一个人 –
? c4o8iw"lY1p0内蒙古心理网Pof?5~7m,z v 如果我们将生活中发生的恶性事件比喻成毒素或垃圾,那么这种反思功能就是毒素处理转换器,就是点石成金术。有人说,心理咨询师是垃圾箱,其实并非如此,但如果硬要用这个比喻,那么应这样修改一下:心理咨询师是点”垃圾”成金师。不过反思功能的种子是在你自己身上的,
hO0 那么建基于依恋理论上的这个法能帮助你达到哪些具体的目标呢?请看以下:
|0 • 在亲近关系中不会害怕失去自我, 而是如鱼得水, 优游自如。
Rl3O3XS0 • 学会更容易地忍耐孤独。
G$Q f4l • 在你需要的时侯,变得更有能力请求那些与你接近的人为你提供安全与保护。
内蒙古心理网DkhvJ • 在你需要的时侯,能够在你自己身上找到可以利用的内在力量。
内蒙古心理网%D*k3~+pZ:JS • 学会请求你所想要的,拒绝你所不想要的。
内蒙古心理网7j:{'e~m/j$Y$A • 能够让其它人了解你的感受,特别是那些困难的感受,一如生气与失望。
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dv` • 能够享受与可信赖的朋友或家人在一起的时光。
FK5j:d0 • 面对生活中的失落和失望,能自然无碍地感到适度的伤感。
'f`+r6ddx'DK2|voJ0 • 更好地了解自身,尤其是自身的脆弱性。
akN_/IFz%]0 • 当日常生活的浮沉激发这种脆弱性时,找到更有效的应对它们的方法。
内蒙古心理网`+`me-IzhI • 理解你典型的“依恋类型”是怎样的:是回避型、矛盾型?还是无序型?
内蒙古心理网'\:VR(``I • 回顾你的过去谈论你的现在时,能够有一种成熟的理解和感受,公平对待你自己的成绩和挫折,不忽略他人对你的伤害和令你失望给你造成的影响,也要注意道你令他人失望以及给他人造成伤害的地方。
内蒙古心理网Z K m:TC5E • 接受这个事实:你心中也有一个“孩子”部分, 他/她需要安全与滋润,如果你给于它所需要的安全和滋润,他/她就能更好享受生活和成长。
Handout for my clients Brief attachment-based psychotherapy (BABP)
v:W4Y"mx"b/j:lQ0D N(IHX'o [n0Almost everyone feels anxious or depressed at some point in their lives.
There are many reasons for this: stress, separation from or less of
someone or something that is dear to us, loneliness, difficulties in our
close relationships, worry about the future. The way we react to the
difficulties may take us back to pain or trauma in childhood, which in
itself can sometimes-but not always –predispose us to vulnerability in
the later life.
Q5Y0B0M@4l]a0,fN|}:o#FC r0When we are in difficulty we need support: we try to draw on our own
inner strength, seek help from friends or family, or turn to
professionals whose job is to help. BABP is a brief therapy based on the
principles of . Attachment theory, which is based on some very
simple and obvious ideas, was development half a century ago by the
psychoanalyst John and has been extensively researched and
extended since then. Bowlby realized that as children we feel safe and
good about ourselves to the extent that we have trusted and reliable
adults to whom we can turn at times of need. These attachment figures
provide a secure base, which allows us to relax, have fun and feel able
to explore the world. As babies the secure base is usually the mother,
but as we grow the range extends to the father, grand-parents, brothers
and sisters, and then to friends, who provide comradeship and
companionship as well as security.
nC2v'n#r)P0$ch8?'rSh V0Although everyone has had some protection through their childhood - and
would not have survived to adulthood without it - our attachment figures
have not always been reliably secure. Sometimes our parents have
themselves been depressed, distract, ill, intoxicated or unavailable.
This can lead to insecure attachment. Here we can get some measure of
security, but at a price. If we are fearful that our attachment figures
will lash out at us in word or physically, we will warily keep our
distance from them, and may also harbour secret feelings of resentment
which we take out on others-brothers and sisters or companions at
school. If we worry that our parents will forget us, we may cling to
them, sacrificing our capacity to have fun, make friends, stand up for
ourselves and explore the world. Sometimes everything becomes so
confusing we just can’t find any reliable way to feel safe, and retreat
into ourselves and a world of make-believe.
&]'vb'Z/A&v:Z`,k0HC9Xu%OQ#|0LOSS is another universal human experience. What is lost may be a loved
pet, an intact family, the death of a close family member, a job and
with it the sense of being worth something. How we cope with loss
depends in part on how secure or insecure our attachment has been.
People whose attachments were insecure tend either to switch off their
feelings or, at the other extreme, to be overwhelmed with pain and
内蒙古心理网uv4H6]0?内蒙古心理网!JZ\nxkOne way in which we react to loss or to the threat of loss is with anger
and protest. Again, if we have been insecurely attached we may be unable
to express appropriate anger or to assert ourselves when the occasion
demands it. Either we explore with rage or bottle up our emotions,
turning anger in on ourselves, which sometimes ends up with feelings of
内蒙古心理网'X|$zoAz%R内蒙古心理网[onz6q*inAs adults we don’t outgrow our need for a secure base- we still need
someone to turn to, talk to, to be a source of succor at times of
trouble. We also need to find a secure base within ourselves –a
reassuring thought, religious or political beliefs, an image or an
activity to comfort us when we feel bad (eg. Hot baths, warm duvets, a
favorite book or piece of music, food or drink). And we need hobbies,
interests, fun and pleasure too, especially if we can share them with
\-|(gl?0All of this is true in theory, but in practice relationships are often
far from helpful. People let us down, abuse us, are neglectful and
selfish, and are not there when we need them, or are there when we
don’t. It is easy to blame others, but the curious thing is that we are
in the part the authors of our own problems: we seem to be unconsciously
attracted to people who fit in with our previous picture of the world.
Our map of the world is based on previous navigation. If our attachment
figures in the childhood have been insecure-making. We will seek out
similar types in adult life. If we have been rejected in the past, we
will expect rejection in the future and so either avoid close
relationship or cling to our loved ones in a way that may eventually
drive them away. It is as through we have a series of triggers or
buttons built up from ‘outside’ experience and ‘inside’ expectation
which are just waiting to be pressed.
].@x0E y g0内蒙古心理网Z#ij N8R!cXi L'}0nFinally, we vary in the extend to which we are able and inclined to talk
about ourselves and our feelings. Some avoided at all costs, other just
can’t stop. Yet research shows that the ability to reflect on one’s
situation and to express oneself - using words, picture or music – may
make all the difference between survival and going under in the face of
adversity. This is called autobiographical competence or reflexive
function. In therapy, we hope to find a theme or guiding metaphor
arising out of the clients life-story which brings together some of
their difficulties in one image.
内蒙古心理网&~C1q.MK8|0xX*Z}8Y^_3SD#Hbt7MP;\0In this ten-session therapy, we will touch on all these aspects of
psycho-logical functioning and in particular the six domains of:
内蒙古心理网:_)E ?Ro/y)K$H0C·Secure base-within oneself and with others.
内蒙古心理网0dp __+G9[C6F·Exploration-fun, pleasure and happiness.
内蒙古心理网 JB;qc8i$Y&C1y2mP·Loss- and how we have dealt with it.
W)h9qmM8d)zP0·Assertiveness and appropriate anger-as opposed to rage or inhibition.
q^*u2M2n1g$oJ5d0·Triggers and buttons- what trips us into states of depression or worry?
3kr Qq
UI0·Reflexive function –the ability to stand back from difficulties and
think about them.