Libido 力比多(弗洛伊德)


力比多空间R D~JN \
For other uses, see Libido (disambiguation). 
VP vL7T B P0作其他用途,见力比多(歧义)内蒙古心理网*Cno V?u [

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Libidoin its common usage  means sexual desire; however, more technical definitions, such as those  found in the work of,  are more general, referring to Libido as  the free creative—or psychic—energy an individual has to put toward personal  development or individuation.内蒙古心理网;z I-U pif
力比多通常的用法指的是性欲,然而,更为技术性的定义,比如在作品中所表述的那样,指的是个体指向自身发展或个性化过程中的自由创造力,或称之为心灵能量。内蒙古心理网Y&M| v/w
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1 History of the concept概念史
Se+in,` t02 Libido impairment 力比多缺陷
W u0v\#_+y:s t02.1 Psychological factors 心理因素内蒙古心理网4U({V$a EK
2.2 Physical factors 生理因素
_-p@h3W{02.2.1 Lifestyle 生活方式内蒙古心理网T:w*Qy8mk
2.2.2 Medications 药物内蒙古心理网 L"fD S$j!g
2.2.3 Menstrual cycle 月经周期
;H_0|y hj03 See also 另见内蒙古心理网[3z:yB8D
4 References 参考资料内蒙古心理网7f{A jqF&s2a

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History of the concept  概念史内蒙古心理网-`)pTv|

5I1IiAyu"l6f0popularized the  term and defined Libido as  the instinct energy or force, contained in what Freud called the id, the  largely unconscious structure of the psyche. Freud pointed out that these  libidinal drives can conflict with the conventions of civilized behavior,  represented in the psyche by the superego.内蒙古心理网*Q @A K"W.w

/[f-R F!h'LjyGH$Z8H0It is this need to conform to society and control the Libido that  leads to tension and disturbance in the individual, prompting the use ofto dissipate the  psychic energy of these unmet and mostly unconscious needs into other forms.  Excessive use of ego defenses results in.内蒙古心理网%uD:_dOY
从众求同与控制力比多的需要导致了个体的不安与紊乱,进而促使个体利用防卫机制将这些未满足的,而且主要是无意识的心灵能量在其他形式当中得到释放。而这一机制的过度使用可以导致。内蒙古心理网e/` H Z)Md q+f PT}

v\G t6[4Xe;X0 A primary goal ofis  to bring the drives of the id into consciousness, allowing them to be met  directly and thus reducing the patient's reliance on ego defenses.[1]  
gg2[ @]Y8C\%~q)t0的主要目的在于引导本我的驱力进入意识,容许它们获得直接的满足以减少患者对自我防卫机制的依赖性。

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According to Swiss psychiatrist, the Libido is  identified as psychic energy. Duality (opposition) that creates the energy  (or Libido)  of the psyche, which Jung asserts expresses itself only through symbols: "It  is the energy that manifests itself in the life process and is perceived  subjectively as striving and desire." (Ellenberger, 697)
7KsD"Fev5fR c0在瑞士家荣格看来,力比多等同于心灵能量。二元性(对立)创造了心灵能量(力比多),且只有通过象征才能表达自身,他是这样论述的:“力比多在生命过程当中表现自身,并被主观地为斗争与欲望。”内蒙古心理网%?zzT/|6hFE$L

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Defined more narrowly, Libido also  refers to an individual's urge to engage in sexual activity. In this sense,  the antonym of Libido is  destrudo.[citation needed] 内蒙古心理网5i0d6c4G4o:d5i{G'L
狭义上,力比多也指个体对从事性行为的冲动。在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。内蒙古心理网6oiwR V4h B}1s

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Libido impairment 力比多缺陷内蒙古心理网5x'A'L z7eQ(a5o

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Sometimes, sexual desire can be impaired or reduced. It also may be weak or  not be present at all, in occurrences such as asexuality. Factors of reduced Libido can  be both psychological and physical. Absence of Libido may  or may not correlate with infertility or  impotence.有时,性渴望会被损害或者减少,同样可能表现出无力甚至完全不表现,诸如无性所发生的那样。影响力比多的因素可以是心理的,也可以是生理的。力比多的缺失与不育症以及阳痿的联系也并非绝对。

